Fallout Wanderer's Edition
Energy Visuals Enhanced
Mart's Mutant Mod
Project Beauty
Weapon Mod Kits
Dynamic Weather
DC Interiors
MTC Wasteland Travelers
Ultimate Perk Pack
Street Lights
Realistic Deaths
Shells Rain
So, the first thing I noticed was http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a58/Wrar/patchadams.jpg?t=1276319837 The reason I noticed it first was because I had a similar issue during the creation of my own character. It's like the the side edges of his hair were part of his skin.
Next, was big time serious http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a58/Wrar/nocomment.jpg?t=1276320090 I can see how this might have something to do with Project Beauty.
Then there was the creatures. I'd have to take many, MANY pictures to full document this, but pretty much the same thing happens to every animal, usually when they're dead, so I just took pics of one brahmin.
The same thing also extended to http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a58/Wrar/popgun.jpg?t=1276320490
And http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a58/Wrar/crashpoint.jpg?t=1276320556 is the freakin death nail of my game. If I walk up and he pulls me into a dialogue, my game completely crashes. It crashes at other points as well, which is also annoying, but this is the only place where it's entirely consistent.