Major problem playing Skyrim of late.

Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:22 am

So I don't really recall having this issue before. But since returning to the game this has been very annoying and totally ruins the immersion.

Excuse my post cause I may not know the correct computer/technical words for these issues.

So just to make a point, I currently downloaded the Official HD textures from Steam and am running the game on the lowest settings with a few customizable tweaks with around 29 mods.

This is what happens in the game. For example, when I walked into Riverwood, I couldn't see the old lady leaning on porch as you enter, however, as I got closer the old lady became more visible and she was in a leaning motion however, I couldn't see the fence she was leaning on. It was just completely invisible below; it only became clear as I got really close to her.

Similarly the forge wasn't visible walking towards the blacksmith, and only after actually being in front of the blacksmith in riverwood, did the forge show up on my screen.

Its also the same problem with fences around the houses in Riverwood. They only become visible when I am very close to it. Happens with rocks as well.

The first time I couldn't see the Guardian Stones even after standing on its location. I had to close the game, lower the settings and before it was visible.

Can someone knowledgeable help me out with what is going on? Thanks a lot.

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:27 am

One of the biggest hits to Frame Rates in this game is the Object or NPC Fade (other fades too). Because if you can see it, then the game is running scripts on it. So, by setting to the lowest settings, you are reducing the object and NPC fades to what you are experiencing.

Which makes me wonder if you have to run the game on Low, why you using the Hi Def pack? Without it, you can set your fades much farther away and the game looks good without the Hi Res textures.

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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:51 am

Oh thanks for the quick response.

That is a really good question. Like I said I didn't really bother with it or even knew it existed when I played the game before. But a few days back, I came across someone talking about it in one of the threads (think it was of the mods load order ones). So I thought it would only improve the game.

So basically what you are saying is that my Object and NPC fade is either so low or off that the game isn't running scripts on it and that is why I can't actually see items, rocks, NPCs from a distance until I get closer to them?

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:25 am

Sounds like your system is just underpowered.
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:15 pm

The scripts are nor for seeing the object, just the overhead the game has to process for that object. It does not run scripts on most things unless they are "seen" by the character.

You can just uncheck the Hi Res in the Data Files section of the launcher, then move your fades up. See how things are. There are also texture packs out there that are less of a strain on a rig than the Bethesda Textures (which are not all optimized). There are even texture packs that reduce the graphic load on the PC but subbing in lower, but still decent looking, textures.

You could also try a lower resolution than you are at now.

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 10:54 pm

Post your hardware.

Sounds like you are running out of VRAM.

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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:07 am

If you changed the values of the View distances, that's exactly what kind of muddy textures you get.

But you should know if you have changed the sliders or not.

And something else, you haven't say why you did that.

I mean if you have weak graphics why you downloaded the HD pack, and if you downloaded the HD pack why you changed the sliders all way down.

You can try to disable the HD pack and bring your sliders to the default state, and see if your graphics looking good for you and your frame-rate is acceptable.

or you can leave the HD pack, but not changing thew sliders all way down, and see for yourself how the frame-rate behaves.

As for the mods i presume you haven't installed any HD resolution textures packs !!!!!!

Beside that what's your computer configuration. ????

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Josee Leach
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:29 am

Oh thanks for explaining it to me. I'll have to look into that. And yes I've download a few HD resolution texture packs. But I've never had the problem before. Its only been acting up it seems after I've download the Official Texture Pack from Steam.

I've actually pushed the sliders all the way down. I am now guessing its probably the amount of addons I am using as well. Its around 4GB of add ons and most of them are mostly textures and improved textures and meshes.

I'll look into my computer configuration. I ain't at home right now so can't post the specifics. But I play Crysis 3 on Medium settings, so I am not sure what to say regarding that.

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Thu Aug 01, 2013 6:28 am

If you need instructions on how to post a Dxdiag, Post the report on this thread, though.

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:49 pm

1. Hold down the Windows key (button with the Windows flag / between Ctrl and Alt) on your keyboard and press the letter R.
2. In the Run dialog that appears type "dxdiag" without the quotes in the text box and press Enter.
3. If you get a request asking to check if your drivers are digitally signed choose "Yes."
4. In the DirectX Diagnostic Tool that appears, in the bottom-right click "Save All Information..."
5. On your Desktop, save "DxDiag.txt"
6. Double click DxDiag.txt on your Desktop to open it, press Control-A to select all, Control-C to copy.
7. In your thread, click in the posting text box and press Control-V to paste the DxDiag.txt information into your initial post or an additional reply.

(a shorter version) !!!!

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