make Asian race in Elder Scrolls?

Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:22 am

Totally wrong. Redguards came from Yokuda and the Nords came from Atmora. Two completely different continents.
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Khamaji Taylor
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:09 pm

If this is thread is about Asians?

Then why bring the Redguard into this?

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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:48 am

How dare you try to ruin internet facts! ;)

Kudos. I'm giving this post a +1. It deserves it.

And this:


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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:10 am

Because Redguards are Arab/African.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:07 pm

Yeah, just as I see people from Cyrodiil as a mix of Italian and Germanic people.
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:17 am

Explain this [censored].

The closest we'll ever get to Japanese/Chinese replicas are the Akiviri. Which are snake people. Redguards have nothing to do with Asia, they're loosely based off the Carribeans.

But those are only points of inspiration. Every single race in TES lore is not a direct clone of existing cultures, and should not be thought of as such. How many real life cultures turn into beasts through some ritual, or grow giant mushroom cities? Exactly.

I would like to see some more Indonesian culture put in, though. I've heard that there's a tribe thing (can't remember what exactly) that "buries" dead infants by digging a hole in a tree, and putting the body inside, leaving the tree to regrow around the body and essentially absorb it. I think this would suit the Bosmer best, seeing as they're surrounded by trees, but I don't know whether the Green Pact would allow that. :confused:
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:48 am

Hmmm, I'm lost on this thread... with a little creative manipulation during character creating you can get some pretty varied results. Whether you're aiming for a more Arabian look or even Indian look. Personally, I've made a Breton look like a's not difficult. You can definitely get an "Asian" looking character out of the creation options. To be fair, I use some character creation mods, so it's slightly easier to get what you need, but even in the vanilla game you can do quite a bit. My profile picture... that's a Breton. With the vanilla kit, no mods. (except for an armor mod)

To date I've done everything from Indian to Arabic to Persian. I've never tried for Asian... but I imagine it's possible if you can get Persian...

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:04 pm

Theyre like an Arabic and Black hybrid. Culturally fit the Arabs and physically/biologically fit blacks.

If their skin wasn't so dark they could easily pass for North Africans but they look more like East Africans.

It's just a make believe race anyway so I take it many factors come into play behind the Ra'Gada
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Tue Jul 30, 2013 10:32 pm

Asia is big, when talk about Asian most people imagine Chinese or Japanese, while there are Malaysian, Indonesian, Thailand...all don't look like Chinese or Japanese

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:33 am

I made a Redguard once and did my best to make him look Asian. He did look quite convincing. Turned the skin tone right up and changed the eyes and hair to an appropriate style (I was Role-playing a samurai type build)

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jaideep singh
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:41 am

I agree with Criminal_Scum. We're all one human race. The only thing that differs is just our skin color (which is natural, and no indication of anything else. It's a color) and our cultures.

Asians are not all Japan and China. There are other Asian cultures besides these two big ones (I'm not trying to diss the Japanese and Chinese forumers, OK?) It would be neat to see a race that based off of Burmese culture, or Taiwan culture.

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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:49 am

Redguards are more Arabic and you can have black Nords, Bretons, and Imperials anyway so (in Oblivion you could have white Redguards as well) . . . Arab countries are in both Africa (Egypt is in Africa and is considered to be Arabic). That said every Arab country east of Egypt is in Asia rather than in Africa. If you want to get technical you can kind of say the Altmer are based off of Asians, and that only depends on which Altmer you are referring too. The ones who hate the Thalmor? They are obviously the Samurai of Tamriel and the Thalmor are obviously jerks without honor.

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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Wed Jul 31, 2013 6:20 am

Agrees. Redguards are Black African to Arabian North African

I think the OP is referring to the oriental looking E.Asian type and not brown Caucasian type..

For Indians and Latino looking people then I think the Imperials from the far south of Cyrodiil are closer. Southern Cyrodiil is supposed to be jungle after all and Imperials have a black haired / tanned complexion. Plus it borders with Elsweyr which definitely has an Indic / Persian feel to it.
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