Since everyone is either white (Nord, Breton, Imperial), black (Redguard), or cat or lizard. Should have a new Asian race please?
Since everyone is either white (Nord, Breton, Imperial), black (Redguard), or cat or lizard. Should have a new Asian race please?
I thought the Tsaesci were snake people though, not humans per se?
Only if it's something else than the completely overdone Japan.
Is it too much to ask for a facion/race based on India, Burmese, Tibet, anything else but just ninjas and dragon emperors?
The Akaviri were a race of men and now they are extinct.
It kind of wouldn't make much sense, given the geography of Tamriel... although I guess Redguards happened, so why not?
And i have a feeling that the dunmer or Redguards are the most Asian we're gonna get for now... :/
Well the Elder scrolls have only explored one continent of the world the story take place in and the continent is loosely based on Europe. And the Redguard is not really black but brown and is loosely based on South Spain or Morocco as far as I can tell from the Redguard game.
I think you can also make imperials look more middle eastern
As an Anthropologist, there's so much wrong with this thread I can't even begin without having a meltdown, but I'll try.
First of all, the human definition of "Race" is arbitrary. The actual implication of a true "Race" is a different species. In human terms, the different "Races" of people are more like breeds of dogs. They can all breed viable offspring and thus are not different in the way the term "Race" originally implies. (By the bigots who coined it)
Immediately singling out the Redguards is somewhat racist, as the melanin content of one's skin is not indicative of their race, simply the amount of sun exposure one has, and a genetic predisposition to the protection against UV light. The Redguards themselves are not intended to be what some would call "African-American" as a race, they are an entirely unique cultural entity that just happens to be dark skinned. They draw much influence from Caribbean colonial culture in the case of the Forebears, and the crowns resemble some of the Dark ages Near and Middle Eastern cultures, including the sultanates of Iran and Turkey. ( Dark Ages is kind of a misnomer for the Arab world at that time, as they pioneered many intellectual revolutions then and the names of most of the visible stars and constellations are testament to that)
I haven't even touched on how TES is not Earth and so there does not have to be any direct translation of anything. You can see a lot of cultural influences of our own world in many different facets of each race. With the exception of the Redguards, the races of Men are perhaps a bit too transparent to support my argument fully. Nords are clearly based on the culture of those most fearsome of Pirates, the Vikings, while Breton society is nearly a perfect match of the Feudalistic society of Dark-ages Europe. It gets a lot more complicated (And in my opinion, interesting) when you get into the Mer, who seem to draw upon more varied inspriations. The Dunmer for example, include influences of Nomadic Khanates, the Egyptians (Especially Hlaalu) and their own special brand of necromantic weirdness.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, put less emphasis on race. It's one of the least important things in the world.
Why not? I mean so far we have only been introduced to one continent for actual gameplay. Then there is only two or three more, pending how you look at it, that is mentioned ( so far ) in lore.
Nirn is a big world. We are only familiar with a small part of it. They have all kinds of possibilities to entertain.
Wrong. It's historical fact that the Tsaesci are in fact, Snake people. Not unlike the Lamia in typical fantasy Lore. We know this because the Imperial Potentate and his son, as a matter of historical fact, were Akaviri (Tsaesci).
Search for Potentate Versidue-Shaei and Savirien-Chorak
As late as the Middle third Era (Report: Disaster at Ionith) we can still confirm the Tsaesci exist as they are described. That is to say, snake-people. They also make their own weapons, the iconic Tantos Wakazashis, Odachis and Tachis. Nobody knows if it was the believed-extinct races of Men on Akavir who first made them, or the Tsaesci themselves, what is known is that both can.
All current humans in Tamriel descened from Nords, right? Even the black Redguards?
Not the Redguards, they come from Yokuda.