So I have crysis wars here, playing Mesa on some server, with the game set to max settings. Moving around while looking up into the sky or into a wall gives me the 60fps my monitor can support. Looking at the CPU, GPU and RAM readings on the G15 LCD display shows around 40% for everything.
However, when I look into the valley, and start running around, looking at buildings and vehicles and trees, fps drops to around 26-28, with the lowest point at 20 fps. G15 LCD at that point says all the three readings (CPU, GPU, RAM) go up to 60%
So I wanna know this: Why on earth would the game run at 20fps and only use so little resources? Why wouldn't it use the 100% of CPU that is made available to it to try and achieve more fps? How would I go about getting more fps out of it? No background programs are running at the time, temperature is stable on all components.
My system specs:
CPU: Intel COre 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4GHz (quad core)
GPU: AMD HD 6950 2GB
4gb RAM
Is it a bottleneck issue with the processor? Thanks in advance for advice.