Then you fix memory allocation.Wouldn't it make more sense to fix the problem at the source?
The source is the 32-bits itself. Age of Conan has somehow managed to avoid the problem with some fancy programming. The source is the operating system itself.
Windows 7 64 bit here my game crashes at least 3 times in a hour every time without fail. I've put up with it since release as i was/am expecting a patch to fix this. However, using the Skyrim4gb fix someone made fixed all the crashing problems for me. Not only that, but since using it i have not had any of the purple/pink textures come up. Has to be memory related. Friend of mine on steam has the exact same results, since using Skyrim4gb his crashing has also stopped.
I'm not familiar with how that "Large memory awareness" patch/fix works, but I'm guessing that it manages to emulate the application as a 64-bit program instead of 32. I'm not sure, so you'll have to ask the developer about the details
It is impossible to make 64-bit executable, as it will cause changes in data/file structures and discover hundreds of bugs due to incorrect pointer handling.
It won't do anything with the data files folder, it will only modify the TESV.exe (the main game executable), and perhaps the steam wrapper (steam-api.dll?) and the bink dll. Pointers are risky, but since Bethesda is using c++ there is something called "pass by reference", which basically are type-safe pointers. They are a bit more limited, but safe.
The 4Gb memory fix (LLA), solved it so I didn't crash to desktop every 10-20minutes. Crash free aslong as I didn't do something else to cause it to crash.I admit I do have a few texture mods here and there, mostly to make my character, armor, clothes and weapons look better.However the game use to crash to desktop in the exact same manner before I started modding the textures.So it was an existing issue that just occurs more often with more texture mods.I tried the texture mods which modded the landscape, towns and buildings. However without the LLA fix it would crash instantly 90% of the time, if I entered an area I know it had been upgraded.It was okay with the fix, but it's frequency in crashing occured from time to time, instead of once in a blue moon, so I've had to be selective in what textures I upgrade.So this game in general is not very efficient in how it handles it's memory and especially textures it seems.This game should of been designed for direct 10 or 11, it is debatable if it should of been made it 32 and/or 64 bit.Lets face it, the game is too high end spec wise to expect many directx 9 cards to run this, so why they made it run on it is beyond me.With 64bit becoming normal on high end machines, so with a high memory demand, it should of been considered, but I'd of understood a compirse of a 32bit patched with LLA (option based).
Don't hold your breath for a 64bit exe, it would mean they'd have to maintain two programs with separate patches.
Two executables, not two different programs. Different builds, same program.
Win 7 64bit here. 8Gb ram46 hours of play , two crashes.
Only think I can think of is the fact that it's a 32-bit executable, not a 64-bit one. When I've tested programs on my 64-bit machine, the 64-bit versions have so far been way more stable and efficient than 32-bit programs.