Make good weapons and armor RARE in fallout: New vegas

Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:47 pm

Seriously. The other day I started a new account in fallout 3, and one of the raiders in the springvale school had a Chinese assault rifle. WTF!?
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:09 am

Talk about all of your suggestions it in the official thread:
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:28 pm

mmm, no.
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Elle H
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:30 am

He does have a good point. In fallout 3 it is far to easy to get large quantitys of good weapons and armour early on in the game with little dificulty.
I would like it if it was more like the originals where you were lucky to find a SMG or shotgun in the first 10 minutes of getting out of vault /temple of trials .
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:06 am

Maybe making ammo rarer and more expensive is better idea?

He does have a good point. In fallout 3 it is far to easy to get large quantitys of good weapons and armour early on in the game with little dificulty.
I would like it if it was more like the originals where you were lucky to find a SMG or shotgun in the first 10 minutes of getting out of vault /temple of trials .

It's the same for FO2. With a little effort you can get APA and set of energy weapons right out of Arroyo, dozen of .44 Magnums, Deagles and hunting rifles with ton of ammo for them goes without saying.
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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:42 am

Yeah that's true. One point which I dislike in Fallout 2 is that there are a lot of weapons, some pretty good ones too, which you can all acquire without much effort early on in the game. In Fallout 1 it wasn't the same, and there were far less weapons (though this is not a bad thing, maybe some more diversity but no need for 4 different types of miniguns...), and change between different types of armour was infrequent.
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:31 am

I don't really get what bothers people so much.
I've never had too easy a time finding good guns and ammo in any any of the games -- well not until about half-way through at least. (and much sooner in FO3 where I would just switch guns according to what type of ammo I have... which is just a pretty bad design decision really)
Of course if you play again everything is easier, but that's where 'player knowledge' comes into play, you can't expect a game to keep all its secrets hidden twice!
(one of the things I really like is when the game shows me that the item I was looking for for days and days, was actually right in front of me the whole time)
And when we're talking about a game where the first playthrough keeps me busy for as long as these games do, I don't really demand replayability - at least not with a very similar character.

I wouldn't want a future game to repeat the folly of FO2's beginning, where it pretty much forced you to either fight hand to hand/melee or not fight at all because there simply were no guns or ammo around (and even if there were I didn't know where to find them or I couldn't afford to buy them)!
So if they make ammo rare... I'll play a melee fighter - I wouldn't want to play a melee fighter in FO though, I'd rather have a gun.
Keeping the guns for difficult fights is also a bad option: I'd rather increase my melee skill to be able to survive those instead of playing a jack of all trades character, and wasting valuable skill points for the rare occasion that I might use guns instead of melee, because I didn't spent those valuable skillpoints on my melee skill to begin with (irony! sort of...)

About variety: a Large variety of weapons is, I think, a good idea for 2 reasons:
1- it's always better to have too many choices than too few
2- when it's followed by a large variety of different ammo types, it introduces a new challenge: in FO2 for instance, I couldn't just carry large quantities of every single type of ammo just in case... I was forced to keep only the ammo for my weapon of choice, and if at some point I found a better one that used different type, I had to use it conservatively until I had enough ammo for it.

So instead of making ammo rare I'd suggest that they'd give it weight.

And how about this: What if ammo was the commonly accepted currency instead of caps? That way you would be forced to give some of yours away to buy things... just I though that occurred to me just now.

Anyway... what the game really needs is a solid economy - one that would force you to do sacrifices for a change, and choose whether you want to keep truckloads of ammo on you or sell it to buy something else instead.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:19 pm

There should've been more enemies with crap weapons instead of upgrading them with better weapons the more you level up.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:13 am

Maybe they can also make weapons not play as big a role.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:46 am

I don't really get what bothers people so much.
I've never had too easy a time finding good guns and ammo in any any of the games -- well not until about half-way through at least. (and much sooner in FO3 where I would just switch guns according to what type of ammo I have... which is just a pretty bad design decision really)

I don't think forcing the player to make due with what's at hand is a bad design decision. I like the FO3 system of making available good, but in poor condition weapons early in game. If you know that fat man has just a sliver of life left, you are going to either ahve to pony up mad caps t0o fix it, or you are going to ahve to be very careful how you use it. Heavily damaged weapons and low stats tend to mitigate the uberness of these weapons early in game.
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:25 am

I don't think forcing the player to make due with what's at hand is a bad design decision. I like the FO3 system of making available good, but in poor condition weapons early in game. If you know that fat man has just a sliver of life left, you are going to either ahve to pony up mad caps t0o fix it, or you are going to ahve to be very careful how you use it. Heavily damaged weapons and low stats tend to mitigate the uberness of these weapons early in game.

It's a bad design decision when I can carry ten different weapons and ten different types of ammo with no obvious penalty (less loot perhaps... but I can still carry enough loot anyway + everything else I may ever need) + it's even worse since at some point I was forced, due to the lack of other ammo, to use a laser pistol with merely a 20% energy weapons skill, which in fact gave me as good a result as my regular 10mm pistol (or whatever I was using) with a small guns skill of about 60%. Therefore I was not really forced to 'make due' but I was rather forced to play a character different from the one I chose, with more or less the same ease & success.

Such design effectively negates any negative consequences from my choices on my characters abilities, making him a jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-all by default, which in turn, depends on me to supply artificial limitations to him in order to roleplay, and eventually confuses people into believing that roleplaying is about "eating 3 meals a day", "walking instead of running" and the like.
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Post » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:57 am

Talk about all of your suggestions it in the official thread:

Yeah, that.
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Emilie Joseph
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