In general I find that the overall stated goals of hardcoe mode work pretty well. I have to regularly deal with Water, Hunger and Sleep in what I think are good proportions (Very Hard mode, hardcoe). I think the Sleep requirement could be a little more tough, but water and food are spot-on IMHO.
A couple of settings are missing from what I would call a FWE-like hardcoe mode:
1. Followers are still auto-healed to 100% at the conclusion of combat, I confirmed this in the GECK. It is thus very hard for followers to die and I have to do almost nothing to keep them alive. Very convenient indeed, but not very "hardcoe".
2. Followers have an unlimited supply of stimpacks. As soon as they ran out of the ones I gave them, they seemed to have a 16-24 supply at all times. Pretty convenient, but stimpacks aren't so valuable in this case.
3. Still tons and tons of food laying around, so much so that I never had to make a single thing over the campfire.

I wanted to Need this skill, wanted to be dependent on finding food in the wild and cooking it. As it stands, the clutter-passes left too much food in the world and managing it is reduced to managing the weight only.
4. The survival skill in general was not needed in hardcoe more, and I think it should have been. Mastering the skills of surviving in the wasteland seems to me an essential element of "hardcoe" play. It was neat being able to make stim packs and such, but again too much of everything in the world and the formulas were overly complex in alot of cases. Perhaps 5 ingredients (being one more than Oblivion) was too many, and with Oblivion the number of reagents you needed reduced as you went up in level. Perhaps that prevented players from getting annoyed with it, I'm not sure, but the crafting just didn't have the same appeal as Alchemy in Oblivion did - not enough to make it "fun" and too complex given the simpler options for food and chems. It was "hard", but didn't really improve my "hardcoe" experience other than having to manage the weight of the reagents.
5. Dr. Bags make limb crippling pointless. Nuff said, its just too easy to heal a bad injury on the spot within .5 seconds. Stim packs were done well in regards of making sure the effect wasn't instant, but then the Dr. Bags fail in this regard.
6. Weight is non-standard, some things have it, some don't. Everything should, even if just a little.
7. Lack of UI indicators of how thirsty/hungry I am, and that should be something clear to me right-off. Obsidian and Bethesda should pay DarN some public love for resolving that for us, I replaced the generic UI with DarNified the instant it came out and Oh what a difference. Those indicators are needed from a playability perspective IMHO, especially when water requirements are pretty high.
That's my "hardcoe Mode" feedback. Overall I really enjoyed the feature and will continue to use it in all subsequent play-throughs. However it is clear that they had to make alot of compromises to avoid the masses getting angry, even as it is I see cries of "It's too hard!" and have to sigh at that. I'm just very, very grateful that we can mod additional hardcoe into the game, that will make my next play-through a whole lot more interesting.
Good job Obsidian! :goodjob: