Nothing needs to be changed about stealth from Crysis 2 to Crysis 3. If I wanted to play a game where stealth wasn't effective, I would play CoD.
Either learn to adapt to the fast gameplay that is so characteristic of Crysis, or get killed by the players who do. That being said, anyone who doesn't use stealth enhance is not a noob, they are smart and learn how to manage their energy as they flow around the map. So the real noobs of Crysis can continue to complain about stealth, it won't get you anywhere because stealth is one of the biggest aspects of the game. Have a nice day being killed by me

Crysis 2 plays nothing like Crysis wars, which was MUCH slower for the most part, and MUCH more reliant on how good you were outside of cloak.
Stop talking out of your ass.
I saw nothing different when it came to good players in Crysis 2. The best ones NEVER cloaked but just raqed anything moving(cloaked or not). You never play on the High end of Crysis 2 like I did for a while.
@Corroded_Beef The cloak it unblanced against Armor and the conters of it are lack luster. They need a buff plain and simple. Still Cloak is pretty balanced all things considered. Just needs its counters buffed a bit.