Make stealth less effective in C3 MP

Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:32 pm

Plz crytek make stealth less effective in C3 MP.Yeah lots of noobs won't like it.But if crytek wants C3 to be comperative, stealth has to be less effective or buff nano vision so it see stealth at medium distance.

I think nano vision was perfect in C2 mp DEMO.Then they nerfed nano vision and made stealth OP.

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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:45 am

I hate when I watch someone play the Singleplayer only to stealth after every kill.
It's super-retarded.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:42 pm

Biased poll is biased.

But still, I agree. I want to see stealth go back to Crysis1/Warhead levels of effectiveness. It was a way to cover some seriously short distances unseen, or get yourself out of a bad situation, NOT a way to spend most of the game - which it became almost out of necessity in the single player (no sprint once your energy is gone = you're funked), and out of player retardation in multiplayer.

In my opinion, the majority of player stealth should be a result of intelligently using your surroundings to conceal your movement (ie. using the foliage in Crysis, and using your cloak to move across areas where this wasn't available).
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:13 am

Says the guy who is constantly spamming stealth and nanovision.

Put your glasses on subho and learn how to see and easily kill cloaked people. Cloak moar please, I SEE YOU. (Without nanovision - nanovision is for noobs with bad eyesight)
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:32 am

Make better counters or alternatives, it is a Nanosuit after all. Cloakers aren't hard to spot anyways...
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:06 pm

Make it like Crysis 1 stealth
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James Baldwin
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:58 am


You shouldn't be able to spend 90% of a match in cloak and sprinting at full speed. Cloak got a ridiculous buff from the previous games especially when including the SE & ME modules. Sprinting in cloak in crysis lasted all of what...20 metres max, and then your energy was zapped, whereas you can cover 3/4 the length of lighthouse, so long as you've grinded to SE III
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Scared humanity
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:29 am

i reckon its ok the way it is. its only when used with ET and ME its a slight annoyance.
the suit is what sets it apart from other fps.

too counter it just tag the other team which not many people seem to do.
if everyone on your squad tags up people can run around cloaked 90% of the time but you will still be able to track them.
they should get rid of the module that prevents tagging(cant remember which one it is)that is more of a problem than SE imo.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:01 pm

The big problem in Crysis 2 was Stealth Enhance.
And also because the nanovision distance was tiny, yet at the same time nanovision uses next to no suit energy. There should have been some cost to using it.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:40 am

Plz crytek make stealth less effective in C3 MP.Yeah lots of noobs won't like it.But if crytek wants C3 to be comperative, stealth has to be less effective or buff nano vision so it see stealth at medium distance.

I nano vision was perfect in C2 mp DEMO.Then the nerfed nano vision and made stealth OP.

LOL too much to handle little bambi?, stealth is not the problem, stealth enhance is, if you don't like stealth go to play some other crap like BF3 or CoD...
nanovision wasn't right in the demo but i agree that is crap now, maybe on pc it's ok, but with the motion blur of the console version is totally useless and if you add stealth enhance to cloak well yes, it can be a problem, but life is not fair you little snowflake and the good news is that you can use stealth enhance too! so tough it up buttercup and try more adapting and less whining.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:17 pm

I wouldn't say that I'm exactly fond of stealth, since it is cheap.

But if this "Glass Joe"-suit bullwaste stays, then I'm just gonna say screw this.

In case someone still hasn't got my PoV (oh boy have I spammed this):

In C2, you can run for 10 seconds. And then you're forced to walk, very, very slowly.
Running isn't even classifiable as "quite damn fast", it's just fast running.

If you had at least 1.5x, preferably 2-2.5x the health, stealth would be useful, but not necessary.

And it definitely doesn't help that you STOP RUNNING when you get hit. That's stupid.

If anything, YOU MIGHT TRIP, because ouch, that hurt. But stop running? No way.

Why would I even want a nanosuit like that, when my own fragile human body only lacks the regeneration and strength. I can still take more hits and run for longer.

I'd die shortly afterwards due to blood loss, yes. That's the bad part of being a fragile human.


Point is, if running was FAST, and lasted a while, and you yourself lasted a while;
You'd be less required to run around in stealth, because then you'd lose some speed.

And that wouldn't be the best of all tradeoffs, if only you could actually survive a couple of bullets.
Alas, that is too much to require of our fragile nanosoldiers.
I mean honestly, they can kick a car repeatedly, no problem. Must be lead allergy.

Yeah, definitely lead allergy.

As for the beta nanovision, I'd like that. But it should be a bit weaker.

Because if you actually remembered it, it was practically short/medium-range wallhack.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:30 am

Says the guy who is constantly spamming stealth and nanovision.

Put your glasses on subho and learn how to see and easily kill cloaked people. Cloak moar please, I SEE YOU. (Without nanovision - nanovision is for noobs with bad eyesight)

i knew someone will say that.I used that becoz its the easiest way to get high KD.And i only play for KD and i use the easiest setup the game has to offer.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:52 am

I won't vote. This poll is stupid. Either I'm a so called "pro" who hates stealth or I'm a dumb noob who can't live without it.

Reconsider this poll.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:10 am

It is very biased, cloak is one of the things that makes this game..

The suit doesn't perform very well in other areas :/
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Shae Munro
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:14 am

I thought about having the cloak very rapidly drain energy whilst moving, making it more useful for quickly healing or reloading whilst stationery. However this would likely lead to many people just camping in corners while stealthed, waiting for targets to run by.

There could be a stronger visual lensing effect caused by stealthing. You can still see well enough to move around but getting shots on moving targets would be that more difficult.
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:44 pm

hah had to laugh about that poll - I am with u dude ;)
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:28 pm

That's why a beta quite a long time before launch can help with the balancing :)#

They should make the suit have better counter measures since it the protagonist in C2 coulda alerted Rasch about the cloaked aliens... adapt the suit cause people can't
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jaideep singh
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:45 pm

I would've voted the second option purely because I dislike biased polls.

Nano Vision could do with some changes, but Stealth itself is fine.
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Mon Dec 03, 2012 10:40 pm

Stealth wouldn't be so bad in Crysis 2 if the maps weren't so pitifully small. On a larger more open map it'd be tolerable, because no matter where you head it's still not going to get you to the next hiding place in time for a recharge. That being said, I stand by what I said earlier.

Hopefully, Crytek will get some serious playtesting done by professionals, and largely ignore what the inevitable open Beta(demo) feedback brings. Pros will soon figure out the ways in which cloak are imbalanced or just plain bad, and they can be fixed with no hassle; provided the developers don't then bend to the sea of complaints which will inevitably arise from the minuscule online community, we'll probably end up with something a little better than before..
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noa zarfati
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:55 am

We should make 'em play their own game... I wonder what their reactions will be like :D
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:31 am

Biased poll is biased.

But still, I agree. I want to see stealth go back to Crysis1/Warhead levels of effectiveness. It was a way to cover some seriously short distances unseen, or get yourself out of a bad situation, NOT a way to spend most of the game - which it became almost out of necessity in the single player (no sprint once your energy is gone = you're funked), and out of player retardation in multiplayer.

In my opinion, the majority of player stealth should be a result of intelligently using your surroundings to conceal your movement (ie. using the foliage in Crysis, and using your cloak to move across areas where this wasn't available).

I have a class where I use Covert Ops, so you don't really need stealth. It's so much more useful for me, with Armour enhance and Weapon Pro.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:44 am

Biased poll is biased.

But still, I agree. I want to see stealth go back to Crysis1/Warhead levels of effectiveness. It was a way to cover some seriously short distances unseen, or get yourself out of a bad situation, NOT a way to spend most of the game - which it became almost out of necessity in the single player (no sprint once your energy is gone = you're funked), and out of player retardation in multiplayer.

In my opinion, the majority of player stealth should be a result of intelligently using your surroundings to conceal your movement (ie. using the foliage in Crysis, and using your cloak to move across areas where this wasn't available).

I have a class where I use Covert Ops, so you don't really need stealth. It's so much more useful for me, with Armour enhance and Weapon Pro.
I dnt think many people actually listen to footsteps in C2. Still I agree with whoever said stealth itself is fine, we just need a better counter for it so everyone doesn't run around half the entire map in it. Nanovision would be better if stealth itself gave off a little more heat, or like many of you said, if its range was better. But I think this would create two types of players. Those who run around with cloak, and those who run around with nanovision.

We need a perfect balance of the two. Where stealth could be used to quickly go after unsuspecting players, move unseen, etc, but isn't overused and can be easily countered.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:12 am

The other styles need to be better too... armor wasn't all that good and power mode... people who smoke loads can run better.
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:03 am

The options in this poll are retarded. Wanting to get stealth nerfed and saying your a noob for not wanting it nerfed is completely ridiculous. I thought the way C2 did stealth was fantastic, it added in more skill for Cryis. Comparing C2 to C1 is stupid, the suit was completely different (speed, strength, power).
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:38 am

lol Nothing wrong with Stealth. Not our problem you have bad eyes. I gladly use it. Only things that pissed me off in C2 MP were dumbasses running around with L-TAGs.
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