I just finished the game for the first time, all vanilla.
Now I am restarting and wanted to add some modes. I already added FO:NV Redesigned 2 as I loved this guys mod for DA:O and it does exactly want I want it to do.
So that takes care of the NPC faces.
I also added WRP so now all the guns look better.
What I'm looking for is mods that just make the overall game look better. I don't want any new NPC's or quests or items. Basically still vanilla but better. I won't mind mods that maybe enhance an area, like the strip, towns, etc. as long as it kept everything lore friendly.
I looked at NMC's Texture pack, but to use the larger ones you need another mod that I'm having issues with so I can't use it.
Note, this is a fairly new PC which I played Skyrim on with Ultra settings, so about anything goes.