So Todd confirms that there will be random events in Skyrim. They'll be similar to the ones in Red Dead Redemption, but there won't be as many so it won't overwhelm you. I think random events really add a ton of immersion to the game world and makes it feel alive, so there will always be something to do. If you don't know what I'm talking about, in Red Dead Redemption, you'd sometimes come across bandits that are keeping people hostage and looting their treasures, or you'll find some lawmen chasing down a bandit, or maybe come across some dude that's attempting to [censored] some local prosttute. You can participate in these events in your own way; You can kill the bandits and save the hostages (Or kill them all and steal everything,) you can kill the bandit OR the lawmen, depending on if you want to RP as good/evil, and you can also kill the man [censored] the prostitue, or take her as your own prisoner :hubbahubba: These events are
unscripted, and happen randomly, sort of like the Dragon fights. That's what makes these random events so special, they're
random, you'll never expect them.
Since we'll be seeing this in Skyrim, I want to dedicate this thread into coming up with your own idea for a Skyrim-related random event. They can be serious or funny, and who knows, maybe some of the Dev. team will read these :thumbsup: I'll start:
You come across a mammoth herd being harrassed by sabertooth tigers. You can either A: Kill the sabertooth tigers and save the herd or B: Kill all the animals for their pelts/skins.
You stumble upon a priest that's about to be killed by a giant spider. You kill the spider and save the priest, only to have him tell you that there are others nearby in a cave that need help. How you help is your choice

(Yes, this particular event was mentioned in some article, GI I think? Either way, it's a good random event.)
So make your own! :user: