I'm really excited for SK. I'm sure I'll lose myself to it just as much as the other TES titles. As my name suggests, I like knights. Ever since I was a kid I had a thing for knights and things of that nature. I also enjoy the alteration skill, even moreso than I loved the hth skill. I plan on buying Sk as soon as I can, I may even go to my first ever midnight release for a game simply because I'm so excited for a new TES game.
It's not like I played TES because it was the best hth fight simulater I could get my hands on. :rofl: I enjoy TES games for loads of other reasons. I love rpgs like TES and FO.
It's just, hth was my second favorite skill. As my avy shows, I'm a dbz fan. I'm a fan of martial arts, and things of that nature as well. (Yes, I know dbz isn't real martial arts.) One of the many reasons I love TES is that it allows you to play as a hth superhuman monk. It ties two of my favorite things together. Medievial knights/fantasy and martial arts. And much to my enjoyment, FO3 actually increast the viability of hth, so I was excited to see how they would improve it in SK. And when I heard they were going to scrap hth all but alltogether, I was shocked. Stupified even.
FO3 has guns, but they took the time to improve hth. So I figured they'd take it to the next level, or at the very least bring TES hth up to the lvl it was in FO3.
I'm just sad to see one of my fav skills get watered down so much. I wish I could voice my opinion loud enough so that the devs would change their mind. Odds are against me, but still. I'm stubbern.