Ok, this is still very intimidating. I would really appreciate some help with this one. To be more specific I want to make nexons armory for sale by lets say.. rindir. Nexons armory is in a chest in the market district. I load up the CS, and make nexons armory the active plugin. I then find the chest in the market district cell. But this is where I'm lost. the cell won't let me edit the chest in any way. Plus I see no way to edit the items in the object window. I also want to get rid of the chest once the items are for sale at rindir's staffs.
I realize this is turning into a CS topic, but the root of it is tweaking a mod. hehehe
IF there is already a chest made with all of them in it then it is pretty easy - load the mod .esp as the active file in the CS - go to where the chest is and find out what the chest with all of the items in it is - then go to the store that has the merchant you want to sell the items - find the chest in the object list and drag\drop it into the shop (locate it under the floor if you do not want the player to have access to it) - after locating the chest click on it and go to the ownership tab and give the merchant of the shop ownership of the chest (that way it will be in his inventory for sale (just make sure the merchant you choose sells armor) -- go back to the location of the original chest and move it below the ground if you do not want it available there (or delete it) -- save the changes - load the game and go to the shop and it should be being sold by the merchant.
EDIT : Just in case I had a few minutes so went ahead and did this for you -- http://rapidshare.com/files/402495522/NexonsArmoryENG.esp
Just replace the original .esp file with this one and it will change it so that the items are no longer in the market district (moved them under the ground - so they are still there but not accessible unless you toggle collision and go under the ground) -- and then placed them in rindirs staffs (under the floor under where he stands) and gave him ownership so he offers them for sale (the prices are pretty steep but I did not adjust them !!) - If you have any problems with it PM me and I'll see what I can do. ( NOTE : you will need to have the original mod installed already as I just uploaded the .esp and not the entire mod !!)