Is she an Imperial? I would like to try and replicate her just make my own personal changes as I like the look of her but would opt for some slightly different features
I love to create characters. A thread about creating ugly characters would interest me just as much
If I'm gonna be staring at the screen for hours in a row at the same character I want to be lookin at hot ass, not man flesh, which is why sixy characters are preferred.
As I said, but maybe I should have worded it differently in the case of men - if he doesn't look like a badass, well you get the picture.
Because everyone loves to look at someone who is attractive and not someone who is ugly. It just makes it so much more interesting to play with an attractive character.
not nasty just deafening having to listen to them scream as you slit their throat's christ you would think i was trying to marry them.
That said it would be sweet if someone made a Countess Bothary character or even quest
I thought the first rule of playing skyrim is that you don't talk about playing skyrim
I'm fascinated by character creation. For me, having a character in my head and try to create him or her in Skyrim is a challenge. Same thing when someone say "is it possible to create a hot [insert race]?" Then I just must give it a try!
I also like to play characters that look good to me, this goes for both male and female characters. It's not about me thinking "ooo my character is so sixXXXY!!!", I think it has to do with what someone mentioned earlier in this thread, that it's easier for many of us to connect with character we find good-looking. Don't confuse "good-looking" with "attractive" though.
So I tend to write in threads that discuss character creation, hot female characters (for some reason they are more common and more active than threads about hot male characters... ), and so on.
I've yet to create a character I find truly ugly. Maybe I should give it a try and post it in that "ugly character" thread...
If I'm going to spend 60-100's of hours with a character I want to like the way they look.
Maybe that doesn't mean making them 'attractive' all the time, but I want to make sure that the way they look fits what I want in my head.
It doesn't seem like a difficult concept to grasp, even if it is a bit tough to explain
Hmm. Do you imagine that painters are like that, having painted an "attractive" portrait? It seems odd to me that people immediately go from "attractive" to "prurient"/sixual/deviant/whatever.
Anyway.... why do I make attractive characters? As a general rule, people like attractive things - given the opportunity, they surround themselves with paintings they like, furniture whose style they like, "sixy" cars, etc. Good looking politician, newscasters, actors... all get generally better "ratings". Etc.
So why should it be a surprise that people would want their games to have attractive characters as well?
(Note: different people find different things "attractive". Can also spread off into "interesting" - a character whose face has, well, "character" would be more desired by a player than one that is generic & boring. And it doesn't even have to be purely visual - an attractive personality, an attractive voice.)
ha I had a feeling that was your attempts at "you" in Skyrim for your avatars....I do the same but my avatar is much more aged and battle worn
I redid him recently to make him look a bit closer to me in age and facial hair but he still has the scar and blind eye because that's how I roll my RP. Perhaps I will snap a ghetto fab phone pic and post him soon