Not for me.
Well, generally speaking, briasts and buttocks.
But that doesn't account for all people, it is just a generalization. I tried it too, CBBE, UNPB BBP, etc. but I'd never last, I always end up playing in 1st person view, now I just use the presets and just edit them some.
Just a while ago you were saying "If it's not done like how I do it, it's done wrong." and now you're saying "None of them are right or wrong." Just pointing it out.
Edit: Wrong person, lol.
Eye candy who gives a flying rats behind who cares about attraction maybe in cyrodil but skyrim between the wolfs an dragons that pretty face is going to end up more scarred then john merricks face not to mention the scars from arrows an spells an swords or the cuts from falling down a mountain.
Beauty in a warrior nation do not mix you want beauty well get on the first carriage back to cyrodill i hear they got spa treatments an manicures now hell why not just get a slave so you never have to lift your finger up again an dont forget to bathe in virgins blood i hear that keeps you looking young an pretty.
Beauty to hell with beauty i want the opposite i want to see visible scars an wounds from fights an accidents i want broken bones twisted ankles infected bites i want puss an blood an sores that go pop i want people to avoid you like the plague because you have the plague i do not an never will want beauty in a TES game i want realism which also would include the ability to kill annoying fracking children an also the ability for children to grow up.
They maybe a lot of things wrong with skyrim but for me stupid beauty aint one of them when im RP only thing on my mind is surviving an getting from A to B alive not getting from A to B via the mirror aint i sixy i got no sword or armor or gold but if i die ill die sixy my mum would be proud.
like a certain crap fps with the same name as a fish.
mind you its bloody hilarious when friends whine an cry about not been able to kill everything they come across im just glad they dont whine about no perks or killstreaks
like most things in life punctuation on a forum is something i care little about not like im applying for a job or writing a letter or story not that i dont use it i just dont always use it.
where at the end when i finished so you can take a deep breath now an relax
Here's my definition of weird
justin bieber
one direction
simon paedo cowell
x factor an all of those sad lonely pathetic moron's who go on that an show's like american idol an dancing with the star's.
That's for an all different forum an discussion though.
Don't apologize I'm known to be a grammar Nazi myself on boring days lol.
An yeah the gist of my post is I don't care one bit about beauty in game's