provactively provacative
He could be on job search. Even with working out 2 horus a day and studying, thats still 12 hours of nothing to do each day for me....
Easiest would probably have to be Redguard on my humble opini-yon.
There ya go.
Yep they have the best jawlines, very easy to work with. But i like a challenge, and since orcs are my fav race right above imperial, i chose to make an attractive female barbarian goddess orc
There may not be a correct way to play, but I can't help but let my face hit my desk when I see someone post in YouTube comments about how pro they are at Skyrim with their character that dual wields 900 damage daedric swords and 1 shots dragons.
In vanilla Skyrim, I think the Redguard females taking some beating !
This, This, This and This
Skyrim is a videogame, a form of entertainment, if you are being entertained while playing than you are doing it right, if you are happy playing a game where the armor looks like it came out of TERA, than have fun! if you are being entertained while adhearing rigidly to lore and immersion rules, have fun! just know that no one way to play is the "proper" way to play.
Tough question, as what one finds beautiful others may not, I'd say any female in vanilla skyrim could be made beautiful though with the same difficulty depending on who your talking to, though for me I prefer the high rez texture mods so I guess that makes me a cheater
ha I'm opposite, it's hard for me to be pleased with pretty men as I prefer my men to look battle hardened and hideous to all but their mothers