Why? Seems a little weird to me, please indulge me because at the moment i'm imagining people crouched over their consoles/PC's up to all sorts once they are happy with their sixy Orc.
This goes for male characters too; Hard to be pleased with your own creation if it looks ugly to you.
People like eye candy. It's still not possible though because they all fell out of the ugly and hi every branch on the way down. They just end up looking a little less ugly every time.
A character that is pleasing to the eye is easier to connect with.
They dont necessarily have to be bombshell hot, for example my orc seen here.
But beth really dropped the ball with a lot of the character models, its either REALLY ugly , or slightly ugly.
People play the way they want to play, why does it matter to you?
All of the above. I'm a guy and for some reason I enjoy playing as a female more so than a male. As a guy, I'd rather look at an attractive female character than an ugly one. Usually whenever I feel the need to play as a guy I'll make him a little more on the busted side (more scars, etc)
Ok, but how do people playing a single player game the way they want to play impact you in the slightest? You're not forced to go into threads about attractive characters and click on the pictures, nor are you forced to download the mods, so if it bothered you people so much the obvious and simplest solution is to simply ignore it.
You definitely hit a raw nerve. I did it too in another thread.
Nope sorry, no raw nerves hit, it is a topic I am interested in so I am usually in the threads anyway, the question is if you people have such a problem with attractive characters why are you in threads dedicated to them? Seems to be a waste of time to me.
Wait, hold up I don't wanna misread your post and jump down your throat, are you saying that's the way you think? that if people are not playing skyrim the way you play than it's wrong?
To each their own I guess, I personally like seeing the different ways people approach the game even if I don't agree with them.
This right here ^^^
Thats what makes Skyrim a great epic game. Everyone is different, approaches it differently. It'd be pretty boring if we played it the same.
For no other reason than I like Michi to be cute.