Ive tried like.... 10 separate times (a lot when you have to sit through all the opening crap just to get a good idea of what they'll look like) to make her look the same.
And I Cant-Frieking-Do it. I get close, but then something else is off. I try settling for less and then it bugs the crap out of me. I can get the right eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows and colors but it's the little measurements that make it impossible. I cant win.
Im very picky about character looks so this is driving me insane.
I guess I wrote this thread because I *had* to let it out before I tried it again... tomorrow morning T.T...
This is a picture of how she looked: [img]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150416305902383&set=a.10150416305782383.375021.836042382&type=3&theater[/img]
So do with this what you will. Thanks.