Use the restoration loop to enable your weapon to do enough damage to kill all but the most powerful enemies in one hit. 1400 damage in one hit is a sweet spot on master difficulty. Don't wear armor and don't add to health when you level up.
I did this with a long bow. It was a lot of fun. Whoever gets the first hit wins.
An expert archer in a dangerous world.
Another alternative is to stay on novice difficulty, don't use armor, and don't add to health when you level up. You can still get killed pretty easy and it won't take a lot of hits to kill most enemies, acept for the biggest ones. This is a favorite play style of mine. I have an archer with only archery leveled, a vampire with only enchanting leveled, and an assassin with only sneak leveled. I really like the balance of having a single skill leveled (Player level 17), and novice difficulty. I did put my level ups into health with my vamp because her only offense is vampiric drain, which is a one-on-one war of attrition between her and her advisaries.