I've tried searching some guides on the internet, but with no avail . I'm trying to make a custom NPC follower, including a custom face and a custom sounds - but TBH I can't really find any good tutorials on how to do this - I have some experience in Morrowind CS, and I did find some tutorials about the basics (how to make a generic follower).
My main problem is that I don't know how to import a custom face mesh/textures for my new follower - for example I want to use the FaceGen (external program, not the build in one) to generate a face with a textures, but I can't find any tutorial on how to import these into Creation Kit. Can anybody with more experience in this matter point me in the right direction?
Also, while I'm on the topic of custom follower, is there any tutorial / resource to check if I want to make a custom sounds/dialogue for him? Like the battle cries etc?
Thanks in advance for any help!