Making cyrodiil BIGGER

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:29 am

Is there anyway to make cyrodiil bigger that isn't ridiculously time consuming? I've always felt the game is way too small and close together, if there was anyway to like, double the heightmap (or triple, or x5 [x20? could you imagine the jerral mountains being to scale to the Rockie Mountains?]:D) I always thought I'd like the game way more and I wouldn't care quite as much as all the other issues I have with the game. I mean I'm not asking someone to do it, I just want to know if it's possible or if there are some serious engine limitations there.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:59 pm

I think there's still a "double Tamriel" on the Nexus. Not sure about anything bigger though, or even the possibility of same.

edit: - and apparently, it is possible to do x4 or whatever else, but... it would be a lot of work.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:21 am

Yes, there is Tamriel x2, but it is a proof of concept and not a real mod. Everything is 2x bigger as well and I think all references, pathgrids etc are messed up or gone.

There is no way to make Cyrodiil bigger without a ridiculous amount of work and an endless amount of incompatibilities with other mods. Your best bet is to use mods that add new lands, like Elsweyr or Windfall.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:23 am

Thats kind of what I thought, everything would have to be hand placed again. Is there an engine limitation to how big the height map could be though?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:55 am

There is an engine limitation yeah, mods like MERP and Mesogea are pretty much at the limit of what the engine can handle in terms of size.
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:25 pm

My dream is to increase the size of Tamriel by a factor of ten to twenty, and then increase the number of grids by the same factor to keep performance.

That and sink the damn Imperial Isle down into the lake properly.

Alas, I lack the skill and time to do so, and my lotto ticket lost again this weekend.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:01 am

Thats kind of what I thought, everything would have to be hand placed again. Is there an engine limitation to how big the height map could be though?

I think the absolute limit is 32x32 quads (total of 1024 quads). That should be enough, the whole Tamriel worldspace has 14 quads (including the border regions like Skyrim, Valenwood etc, Cyrodiil itself is about 5 quads). Mesogea has 16x16 quads IIRC, so maybe try that one if you like endless landscapes.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:53 am

I think the absolute limit is 32x32 quads (total of 1024 quads). That should be enough, the whole Tamriel worldspace has 14 quads (including the border regions like Skyrim, Valenwood etc, Cyrodiil itself is about 5 quads). Mesogea has 16x16 quads IIRC, so maybe try that one if you like endless landscapes.

Now I really wish I had endless money and no life. That is huge!
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:10 am

Dont go bigger than 16x16, Mesogea is about as big as you can safely get without it being ridiculous (I gave up at 16x16 as I have a life and dont have endless money).

I have to say that Mesogea is one heck of a place just to ride or fly around. I know I made it myself, but its breathtaking.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:19 pm


If what you want is a bigger world with more to do, and not just a bigger Cyrodil so you can play an excerpt of Gulliver's Travels in the land of the giants, I'd recommend using the new province heightmaps by onra. The are in the Tamriel worldspace, so you have to set the border regions boolean in your ini correctly, but then you just walk, sail, ride, or fly (or fast travel, if you are so inclined) across the border and into, say... Hammerfell with no loading screens.

They are compatible with at lease Iliana's Elsweyr mod.

They make the world bigger, and there is a ton of content being developed across the community for them. The best part is that people who have been working other provinces can add their already made cities, villages, etc. for these regions with a little bit of work.

Use this excellent expanded map by Kiwi Hawk found

About the obvious land compression in Cyrodil, onra chose to make the regions bigger and leave Cyrodil alone. This gives compatibility with everything released so far while offering roughly 4-8 times as much world to explore. OK, I made those numbers up cause I don't want to calculate the actual size, but it isn't over-exaggerated, just look at the map.

Edit: after installing the Mesogea mod, I must say that I am impressed. Nicely done thekarithian!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:10 am

I for one would also very much prefer a double scaled Cyrodiil (quadruple area) over the addition of other miniscule provinces, but like everyone else, no time to do that (and no skills either in my case). The feasibility of that Cyrodiil x 2 effort has been discussed, and at least Lady Nerevar seemed interested in actually taking part in it, if a project ever gets going.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:12 am

to clarify something from the thread, a decent computer actually handles that size of area (and bigger ones, too) well, eliminating the need to split into several WSs. however, all the other issues with scale, adaptation, quests, etc. still remain.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:33 am


If what you want is a bigger world with more to do, and not just a bigger Cyrodil so you can play an excerpt of Gulliver's Travels in the land of the giants

lol, that would be fun. I wonder if there's already a mod out there like that.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:42 am

lol, that would be fun. I wonder if there's already a mod out there like that.

The 2x and 3x Cyrodil mods above pretty much do that, so if you have ever wondered what it would be like to play oblivion as a midget, pixie, brownie, or smurf, you are in luck. :woot:

They plan to fix everything, maybe one day, so that the cities and towns aren't so big. After that, you just have to wait for all your favorite mods to be re-written for the increased scale, then it will be awesome.

Until then, I plan on taking advantage of mods that already exist. It doesn't count as existing if you have to be on the dev team to get them and they are still a few years from public release... I'm talking to you; Tamriel Rebuilt, Silgrad Tower, Duke Nukem 4 Ever, and the rest of you. You know who you are! You bunch of teases! I've really enjoyed your... screenshots... over the years... :tops:
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:48 pm

Until then, I plan on taking advantage of mods that already exist. It doesn't count as existing if you have to be on the dev team to get them and they are still a few years from public release... I'm talking to you; Tamriel Rebuilt

hey, i take offense to that :P Check Stirk for Oblivion, and Telvannis and Antediluvian Secrets for Morrowind.

just wanted to clarify that there is no work being done on the increased heightmaps. there was talk of how to theoretically do it, but no one ever set out to actually put the plans into action.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:40 am

hey, i take offense to that :P Check Stirk for Oblivion, and Telvannis and Antediluvian Secrets for Morrowind.

just wanted to clarify that there is no work being done on the increased heightmaps. there was talk of how to theoretically do it, but no one ever set out to actually put the plans into action.

I was teasing you, Lady Nerevar. Of course Stirk is in my load order.

Sooo.... How much longer until you publicly release your version of Hammerfell?

Of course; the only version with content out there so far is full of half naked women in the snow. While generally I find that kind of thing the epitome of awesomeness, it doesn't really fit into Oblivion and the whole region isn't lore-based, or even lore-friendly... And your version looks so beautiful...

Now look! You've got me excited about your mods again!

I'm off to watch the review again.
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Chris Cross Cabaret Man
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:45 am

I was teasing you, Lady Nerevar. Of course Stirk is in my load order.

Sooo.... How much longer until you publicly release your version of Hammerfell?

as was I, hence the smily :) i'm hoping for a summer release of the Southern Grasslands. If you're bored, trustworthy, and have a decent PC i could use help playtesting and LOD generating.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:34 pm

If you're bored, trustworthy, and have a decent PC

Let's see... me, me, and me. It's like you've known me for ages! :P

Seriously, I'd love to playtest. I'm afraid my skills with LOD generation and optimization are limited to the CS, nifskope, and pyffi... but I'll do my best! :brokencomputer: I'm still learning. :banghead: (yes, that's how I learn... DON'T JUDGE ME!!)

It's an honor to be invited, BTW! :bowdown:

PM me some details!
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