Is there a way to make a Destruction Mage viable on a Console without resorting to things like the Fortify Restoration glitch? I'd like to run a Destruction Mage, but it's woefully underpowered.
Is there a way to make a Destruction Mage viable on a Console without resorting to things like the Fortify Restoration glitch? I'd like to run a Destruction Mage, but it's woefully underpowered.
What is the difference between Skyrim on a console and a PC. Aren't they the same game?
And focus is the key to making strong destruction mages.
Mods and developer console is really the only difference between Skyrim PC and Skyrim consoles (assuming you're on a middle of the road PC and run on Medium or High) which of course makes PC SO MUCH BETTER, WITH MODS ALONE. I actually have Skyrim PC just for porting saves and using console (bug fixes, etc) since I can't actually play it on this [censored] laptop.
Anyhow, you can find a list of Skyrim console commands on both the UESP wiki, and the TES Wiki. I find them both fairly reliable.