Making a dragon forcegreet from hover

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 1:25 am

How can I achieve this? So far I've made a new dragon race so the dragon can have dialogue, player is teleported into the clouds and the first package I used was Hover. When the player has teleported the dragon flies in from the distance and hovers in front of player - this works fine. I added a forcergreet package that initiates when the dragon enters a trig box in front of the player, the trig box advances the quest to 10 when the forcegreet dialogue should begin. Results so far are the dragon flies in, hovers for a second, talks in Alduin's voice "Speak if you have..." then flies around. I have voice as NONE in dragon's traits. After a few seconds hovering the dragon lands on the collision box which is suspending the player in the clouds and repeats the same Alduin line, no forcegreet dialogue is presented. This for me is quite complex, I really don't know how to accomplish a dialogue between player and dragon from the hover position. Help appreciated.

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Stephani Silva
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