making finishing moves an active skill

Post » Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:02 pm

The new finishing moves look great and are implented to make the combat juicier. I read alot of players have problems with it being random, and not being able to controll your moves.
This includes me; so my proposition is to make the finishing moves an active button, which can be triggered if the enemy has very low health (lets say 15% or less).
In this way the combat doesnt only eye better, there is also an extra technical combat option. You can decide if say a normal attack would do 7% of the enemy target and it has 11% left to do a long finishing move when it's the only enemy left. Or if there are more enemy's around to not make you vulnernable and just go slashing about.

I dont know if this is simple to adjust, and if the consoles have enough buttons for this. I'm curious what other people think about this idea.
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Kristina Campbell
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