» Sun May 05, 2013 11:00 am
Tweaking the emissive color is a very easy way, but not that precise, cause it makes everything emitt equally that shares the same material. If you just want to achieve an overall glow, that's ok. If you want fine details only to have that effect, you'll need a glow map, which is just a greyscale map with black(no glow), grey(light glow) and white(full glow). A colored map works as well, but glow maps tend to easily overwrite the diffuse colors, so be carefull with the intensity.
Just put the glow map onto a layer above your diffuse texture in GIMP or PS, start with black(no glow) and paint in what is supposed to glow. In NifSkope all you need to do is right click onto the NiTextureProperty of the mesh Texture-> Add Glow Map.