Since the motorcycle only moves to specific areas, I was just going to place a map marker at each possible destination and keep only the current location of the Motorcycle enabled. Problem is, there's no function to deactivate a map marker once it's been activated.
But as it turns out, I don't actually know how to place a map marker (which I also really need to know :tongue: ), and I think I recall reading something that hinted they may be placed objects.
If this is true, would disabling and re-enabling the marker work? Or perhaps actually moving it with something like MoveTo?
If possible, I'd really like to know if it's possible to move the map marker dynamically, since I've been tossing around the possibility of having the motorcycle capable of traveling to any waypoint by momentarily reactivating fast travel when you turn it on and have it travel with you, making a bunch of other dynamic calculations of distance and such.