I thought ref-walk was something completely different.
Judging by its name, I thought it's used to make an NPC walk to a specific reference.
Right now, I have a perk added to the player when the NPC joins his party (and remove it again when the NPC is waiting/fired) that lets you choose an option when you activate a terminal: "Let the NPC unlock the terminal."
And if you choose that option, I have the NPC moveto to the referenced terminal (got this with GetCrosshairRef) and unlock it. Well okay, the NPC doesn't really unlock it, it just looks like it.
Or it's supposed to look like it. Because moveto just teleports the NPC to the terminal... sometimes on top of it... which is obviously bad.
And I thought ref-walk would allow me to make the NPC actually walk up to the terminal, then I could make him play an animation and the terminal gets unlocked.
So uh, do I even need a ref-walk? I'm a little confused now, sorry.
Well if you are using HugePinball's Perk method and already have the ref to the terminal you want your NPC to hack, set in a quest script , you just need the XMarker and the travel package like Pkleiss mentioned. You don't need a REF walk. In the Perk result script, along with the GetCrossHairREF function, you need to set another quest variable to enable a block of code in the quest script to move the xmarker to the TerminalRef, then wait for a few frames before triggering the travel AI package. when the travel package ends, you can have it reset the variable condition that triggers it, and play an idle animation - UseOpenTerminalStanding.
The problem you will run into trying to use this animation as-is, is that there are conditions on it that pretty much restrict it to two unique terminals. I had to create my own idle entry, pointed to the same animation file, and added my own quest conditions for it to run.