I got this hair-brained idea to make a mod such that you cannot freely mine in the orc mines unless you are blood-kin (faction OrcFriendFaction). In the CK, for DushnikhYalMine (Dushnikh Mine):
The interior cell is already set with Owner Faction = TownDushnikhYalFaction. This probably explains why all of the items in the mine are marked as stealing, even though their ownership is not set at the individual level, and they remain that way even after you become blood-kin.
The various veins (like MineOreOrichalcum03) are also not setup with a owner, but you can freely mine without it being theft. The same goes for their linked refs (like PickaxeMiningWallMarker). Setting both of them to ownership faction OrcFriendFaction has no effect on my ability to mine them before becoming blood-kin.
MineOreScript is what connects the ore vein and PickAxeXxxMarker and does the work (detect hits and give player ore). So, to accomplish what I want, it has to be done in the script??
How could I make the vein appear with the theft icon when the player puts the cursor on it?
How could I make the ore items added to the player have the stolen icon?
How could I make the orcs in the mine accost the player for theft, when he/she mines the vein?
I don't want to prevent the player from mining before they are blood-kin. I just want to be sure it is treated like theft.