Water supply is in excess of Sanctuary's needs.
Is it the actual water purifiers or just the basic water pump?
I'm guessing maybe you're talking about water purifiers, not the pumps? I'm asking because my generators are the ones connected to the generators, and the pumps are not.
had this, had a normal purifier and industrial one and didnt see a single purified water appear for 3 RL days then all of a sudden it started working
i dont know what i did but im thinking maybe i did the hard restart cache clear on the xbox one (hold the biutton down till it switches off) this may have fixed it
It's a daily thing. I haven't tracked exactly when it drops into your workshop aid inventory every day, but it's on a timer of some sort.
I have a massive water farm at sanctuary that powers a pretty awesome bottlecap-loop with five stores. Turn water into caps daily. Water sells higher than crops, and I can buy pretty much anything at any price with just the water, and take their caps too.
You can get two of the big purifiers into the little pond in the middle of the drive-in too, just deal with the rads when placing them. Going to make the boathouse a water-farm eventually as well.
Local leader and stores powering a water-economy breaks the cycle of being short of everything.
I should add... producing that much water does jack your resource count / defense ratio all up, and makes you a target for constant attacks, but it's nice to just put on your good tradin' clothes, go to Diamond City with a load of water and come back with a power-armor frame and a thousand rounds of ammo whenever you feel like it. Beats hell out of hoping the next guy you loot had a few extra .50 rounds on his body.
You cannot have ANY water (Dirty or Purified) in your inventory or any Workbench or it will not produce any Purified Water at all.
This seems to be a bug of some sort, but there isn't anything you can do about it if it affects you. Just "spend" all of your water whenever you get it. Also, if you are camping out at Sanctuary to collect Water on multiple days it will just stop working after a couple. Don't know it this is a Bug or a Feature. But, again, there is nothing you can do it about it right now either way if you are one of the unlucky folks whose game works this way. If not, well, you lucked out in the Bugthesda Bug Lottery this time around.
Yep, like all things in the game, the exact mechanics of how it works are vague, but I regularly pull the water out of the workshop and put it in a container next to the bench, with the stores located nearby. Even if it's capped somehow in the workbench, I regularly get 1000+ water in that box by the time I get around to cashing it in for caps or stuff at ?10+ a unit depending on what your CHR is. Do that in multiple settlements..... you're rich and flush with goodies.... the ones that can be bought, anyhow.
I created a water chest, because i found those settlers use the inventory like a bar. Whenever i get a new batch of water in the inv, i put it in the chest. Now i get fresh water once a day, not once a week like before.
This is very helpful, I've been having this problem myself. Thanks!
2 things I've found out.
1) Your workshop will only fill to the maximum of what your purifiers will produce on a daily basis (in my case it's 20 - didn't have the parts for the 40), so I have to remember, whenever I'm there, I need to remove the water that is in the workshop and store it elsewhere. Then it starts over again.
2) Purified water does indeed end up going to other settlements if your water allocation at that settlement is not high enough. For me the epiphany came with Oberland Station. I had just acquired it and set up a supply line so that I could develop it, but it had no water or power there. I came back to Sanctuary and found that there was no purified water there as there was usually (I think it's about 1 per hour so I usually have 16-18 in there when I return). I was off to develop Overland and, when I opened the workshop there were 18 purified water. I can only figure that the purified water that was at Sanctuary went to my undeveloped location for the settlers that were coming in. Once I put in water pumps at Oberland, the water started appearing in Sanctuary again.
I don't know if that's the way it works, but that's what I've experienced.
You also need to make sure its activated..... turned mine off once and forgot about it.... realized it wasn't turned on....
Another thing to note IIRC: only excess water is store. This is important to consider if you're playing with supply lines enabled.
Agree. Store you water someplace else and manage it if you want a constant stream.
I up to about 600 at the moment. Do you store them? If so, how and where? Mine are metal containers on the balcony of my place.
It didn't work for me for half the game. Not sure what fixed it. Either getting local leader perk or moving my permanent base away from sanctuary. I did both around the same time and started to notice I was getting lots of water. I don't find any reason to store it, just trade it for caps or ammo or whatever each time you collect. Whatever you find easier. Note: you also have to go to where it is produced to take it.
I just store it since I am almost never near any vendors to sell anything so I just store it. Carla is usually in Sanctuary and I have Diamond City & Goodneighbor but I haven't invested in anything else. Nobody ever has any caps when I'm through.