Making script thread safe and optimizing script

Post » Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:29 am

So as the title said I am trying to make a script I have thread safe, but I don't really get the instructions on the wiki. Can anyone help me to do this? Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve this it would really help.


Scriptname abecanCraft extends ObjectReference  ObjectReference Property abecancraftcontAllItems  Auto  ObjectReference Property abecancraftcontPlayerChoose  Auto  Message Property abecancrafttestmessage01 Auto  int numItemsToAddEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)    if (akActionRef==Game.getPlayer())        numItemsToAdd = 100        abecanCraftMenuTest1()    endIfEndEventFunction abecanCraftMenuTest1(int aibutton = 0)    aibutton = ;What would you like me to brew    if (aibutton == 0); ok         populatecontPlayerChooseOnce()    else    endIfendFunctionFunction populatecontPlayerChooseOnce()    int counter = 0    int tracker = 0    int ApothMerchChestlength =   abecancraftcontAllItems.getNumItems()    while counter
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Nicole Kraus
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