This. Fallout Shelter is an excellent overseer tutorial on how to run/simulate and/or recreate historic vaults from Fallout lore IMO. Imagine trying to recreate settlements around some of the whackier vaults like vault 69 or 22. Then playing the role of a xenophobic Vault 101 Overseer who shuts the Vault off from the outside settlement and world. Thereby leaving the settlement NPCs to fend for themselves from raiders etc.
Or perhaps you're an enlightened Overseer who is open minded enough to encourage vault dwellers to trade & interact with the outside world. And if you're really good at playing FO Shelter, you might transition these management skills to building a successfully interactive FO4 settlement the likes of a Vault City 
Either way, just the process of trying to balance life/happiness/survival of the vault dwellers while defending/ignoring the settlement & outside world would be a challenge mini game in itself.
Jury's still out on how much of an economy the settlements will have yet. But being able to setup trade routes using brahmin trade caravans between settlements you build is definitely promising. I hope the trader NPCs will bring back hard to find/non local items and goods not native to the region in their caravans. It would be cool for example to live in a landlocked settlement in the map's interior. But the NPC settlement would have access to sea food and building materials not local in the area through the trade caravans. That would definitely make for a dynamic game economy.
The downside to this is that using Vault 111 may not be a good idea (even with mods) as is being suggested by some folks.
It's probably going to be a lot safer and better modding practice to reconstruct a vault from scratch (one that is more 101 vs. 111 style) using the vanilla textures provided from 111 and other vaults. And in the areas which we'll be restricted to building like Todd said. I'm really pumped on rebuilding a settlement as close to Vault City as possible. But I suspect the scope of this will be limited to what Beth restricts the buildable areas to 
Anyhow, I'm just hoping they allow us to build near a large body of water like a lake or even the ocean. That would provide a limitless power supply source (if we can use water as a source to directly generate electricity like they showed us in the video). Because I'd love to have a secret underwater entrance that allows me to directly access my home inside the vault. Similar to the amazing UWHNV customized home here:
where you could acquire the re-breather and wet suit from the Boomer quest in New Vegas. 
Or perhaps and underwater entrance that leads to an underground docking area which doubles as a secret, illegal arms/drugs market. And NPCs could sandbox selling their shady goods there which they can't do in the legit markets I'd be building on the surface