Making a STATIC object equipable

Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 3:58 am

I need to make a skull equipable as a MISC object. If I make it as a weapon it is in the weapon category, if I make it as a MISC its not equipable. Surely there is an object in the game I can copy and change the nif to a skull but I can't think of any. Objective is to have the player equip the item to place on a pedestal. Only other way I can see around it is if the player has the item in their inventory and gets a prompt to "Place Skull" something similar but would be nice to see player holding the skull and use HasEuipped as a condition for the script.

Ideas/advice please. Thanks.

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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:53 pm

You can only equip armour and weapons mate.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:39 pm

Even if you make the item "equipable" I don't think it will do what you think.

In other words, lets look at a sword. You can pick it up, see it in your player's hands, put it away, or "drop it", but you cannot "SET IT" on something other than by using the "E" and moving it around clumsily like anything else.

The animation for "setting an object" be it equipable or not simply doesn't exist ...I don't think.

I think what you need to do is put a script on the pedestal that takes the item out of inventory and places it atop it. Make the pedestal the activator. So player approaches the pedestal, clicks the pedestal, and if the item (skull) is in the inventory it is automatically placed atop the pedestal. It will be instant, you won't see someone reach out and set it there, but the effect should work pretty well.

Then you just make another script (maybe not even need a script...just quest condition) that causes whatever result you want to happen from placing the skull on the pedestal to happen once the above action has taken place.

Something like that should work for you.

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An Lor
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Post » Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:50 am

While Misc items cannot be equipped, attempting to equip one still fires an OnEquipped event. You could have a script do some switching and equipping behind the scenes.

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