While I wish there is an option to toggle the marker compass (basically you can do this by selecting a different quest so you do not know where you are going) but I never liked the non killable NPCs. These are just a few ideas, there are many more.
So this game is what 5 years old now? This is not to see what is better or what is worse. What I would like to know, for the people who loved Oblivion when it first came out, is did you like how everything was implemented when you first played it? Was the ease of finding your quests and telling you where to go make the game more fun? Did you like that you couldn't make a mistake and kill an NPC which was vital for a quest? Do you like you can't loose an quest item? Now after 5 years have passed and you have become more older, more wiser, more experianced in gaming, do you see Oblivion too easy now? Would you like it or should I say would you like the next game, hopefully TES V be a bit more complicated?
What would you like changed? Would you still want unkilliable NPCs? Would you still want a map and compass telling you where to go when in fact you should have no idea were you are going? Would you like more to make it easier?
While I know non of this stuff will change what ever is going to happen if there is a TES V. I am wundeirng how peoples gaming style has changed. Back then for Bethesda it was to get as many people to buy the game. To get all types, hard core and casual gamer. So for people who liked the casualness of Oblvion when it first came out, how are you now? Do you still prefer the simpleness or easiness of the game, or do you wish for something more now?
Please people remember this is not for debate. It has been done numerous times. I just want to see how peoples gaming styles have changed. I want to see if peoples tastes have changed over time, or if they are still the same.
There is no right or wrong answer so please let us not debate what system is better, but lets read if peoples opnions have changed over the years after first playing Oblivion.