Making the Trap Fire Plate set off the oil pools?

Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:15 am

Hey there!

I'm pretty new to this whole modding debacle, and am currently having a bit of trouble setting up a trap in one of my dungeons.

I am attempting to make the Fire Plate trap (the pressure plate which shoots flames up when activated) set off the oil pool traps. I've inspected the script on the pools and the fire plate, as well as the properties, but am completely stumped as to how to make the Fire Plate flames an activator for the oil pool trap :(

Anyone got any ideas that'll help a poor noob?


Edit: If a mod could move this to the creation kit forum, that'd be great. Miss-posted it to Mods by mistake.

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brenden casey
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:02 am

I've been looking into those oil pools for a project I'm working on recently. I've forgot what I discovered but I'll get back to you if nobody else does soon. (This thread might be better off moved to the creation kit subforum, a mod might do it if they feel it should be, or you can ask to have it moved).

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:22 am

D'oh! I thought it was, I must've accidentally gone into the wrong forum, my bad!

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Samantha Jane Adams
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