Making an uninstall procedure for you mod

Post » Tue May 07, 2013 3:48 pm

A while back, I remember some "best practice" type threads talking about making a clean uninstall procedure for your mods. However, I don't believe that it will be possible to do so with my mod because of the properties I have to set, thereby making certain references persistent in a save. For example, most of the objects in Helgen are set up on enable parent markers, with half being set to opposite of parent. So what that means for me is that I've had to set properties on many of these objects to set scale and move them out of the world so I can put my new stuff in. If you rebuild the town, and then remove my mod, Helgen is left somewhat barren, lol. I've had to manipulate a TON of stuff to make this all work correctly.

So I guess what I'm asking is there a way to make it safe to remove my mod if the player wants to? Or will they just have to understand that once rebuilt, there's no turning back with the new Helgen?

EDIT: Just to be clear, I don't edit any vanilla scripts, spells, lists or anything like that. I only manipulate objects like the burning rubble piles, destroyed houses, shrubbery and so forth.

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 4:46 am

Seems to me that you could simply add a quest the user can start via the console.

Use its script to disable all of your changes and enable the vanilla objects.

I think the properties would get baked into the save, but they are simply ignored if the objects aren't there when the game loads.

It might or might not work, just throwing it out there...

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James Wilson
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Post » Tue May 07, 2013 8:00 am

Maybe it would help if in the uninstall quest there was a script that first moves all the objects back to their vanilla positions, then it sets all the properties from your other script to None?

- Hypno
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Mon May 06, 2013 11:34 pm

Sorry I haven't responded to my own thread, but I got buried in getting my latest version out to my testers. So, if I take part of both replies, any properties I set for my new stuff can pretty much be ignored?

Some of the vanilla stuff I manipulate will be a simple enable or disable because quite a few are enable parent markers. What's REALLY going to be a nightmare is resetting everything that was attached to an enable parent, but was set to opposite of it's parent. That enabled stuff that I couldn't have in there, so I had to set a property and setscale on it, or setpos on it. There are a crap load of those, sigh...

I think this is really going to be a royal PITA to do because I have a TON of properties between all my quests. My uninstall quest will be named: "yunokeep"

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Dan Wright
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