» Tue May 08, 2012 7:30 am
It's an interesting problem.
The Aedra are relatively powerless because their self-ness is divided up amongst a multitude of mortals, so their powers are limited to a sort of unconscious consensus of their constituent parts. Presumably, Trinimac had been the same way, split up amongst his Not-Yet-Orc descendants, until Boethiah "ate" him, after which point he gained a "self" that the other Aedra lack. This means one of two things happened: scenario one, Boethiah took the souls of Not-Yet-Orcs (dead NYOs enroute to the dreamsleave for recycling perhaps) and tried to absorb them (ie "ate" them) but could not, and the NYO souls glommed together and became Malacath. The new being's sense of self meant it didn't have to go and get recycled, and kept a daedra-like ability to act as a single being, despite the fact that a goodly portion of himself remained in the now-orcs on Nirn. Scenario two, Boethiah somehow altered the nature of how orcs souls work entirely, giving them a weird sort of meta-conscious hivemind, and totally unique. Scenario one seems most likely, seeing as it's more consistent with what we know about TES metaphysics, but scenario two is fun if for no other reason than it gives TES orcs a version of WAAAAAGH.