Male Altmer Skin Problem...

Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:28 am

Is this a common problem when using Robert's Male Body mod? I just started a male Altmer character, and can't get over the fact that his face is typical Altmer gold while the rest of his body is Imperial pale. This is because Altmer use Imperial body textures, correct? Can this be fixed somehow, though?

I have Race Balancing Project and Better Redguards installed, which makes Redguards and most other races look great compared to vanilla. I'm also using the bgBalancingEVOptionalSeamReducerHighElfFix.esp file, which does fix female Altmer to make their entire bodies gold-colored. However, male Altmer (at least when using Robert's Male Body) still look like they were test subjects for a new sun tan lotion.
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Post » Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:38 pm

Is this a common problem when using Robert's Male Body mod? I just started a male Altmer character, and can't get over the fact that his face is typical Altmer gold while the rest of his body is Imperial pale. This is because Altmer use Imperial body textures, correct? Can this be fixed somehow, though?

I have Race Balancing Project and Better Redguards installed, which makes Redguards and most other races look great compared to vanilla. I'm also using the bgBalancingEVOptionalSeamReducerHighElfFix.esp file, which does fix female Altmer to make their entire bodies gold-colored. However, male Altmer (at least when using Robert's Male Body) still look like they were test subjects for a new sun tan lotion.

I cannot believe I was confused about this earlier. Anyway, the problem is that RBP is overwriting the changes from Robert's mod. Robert's mod gives each race separate body textures, and RBP uses the vanilla setup (in terms of body textures.) One way to do this is import the changes of Robert's mod into the bashed patch, if you are using Wrye Bash. Otherwise, you need to make a Robert-compatible version of the RBP plugin. I suggest downloading and doing that. If you make a mistake during the edit, close TES4Edit without saving the changes (by unchecking RBP on exit.) However, TES4Edit makes a back up when you save changes anyway.

Editing RBP in TES4Edit for Robert's Body:
1) At the first screen (the plugins list) only check Robert's plugin and the main RBP plugin.
2) After they load, expand the RACE subtree in Robert's plugin.
>> Note: You should see red or orange indicating conflicts.
3) Wherever you see the red or orange, you need to make changes to that record.
>> Note: Everything but the Imperial, Orc and Dunmer should have conflicts.
4) Click on one of the conflicting race records and note entries with the same red background in the right frame. The records of interest are the body data. To override RBP's settings, click and drag one of the cells in Robert's mod and drag it over on top of the corresponding cell in the RBP plugin.
>> Note: For the humanoid races, drag over the body texture ( paths. For the Khajiit and (the Argonian?) drag over the tail record as well. All entries should be yellow background and green text (indicating override without conflict) when you finish.
5) Exit and save the RBP plugin.

After this, you can just delete the Robert's plugin, as its changes are full incorporated in your cosmetic mod.
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:28 am

Yeah, the seam reducer is targeted at HGEC bodies, which I am using for females. Everything looks fine except for Altmer males.

I have a huge load order with RBP, FCOM, tons of other stuff, and Wrye Bash. I'll try just loading Robert's Male Body mod and see how the Altmer looks then. And I'll post my load order later after I get home from work...

Thanks for the help!

I have not had a problem with Altmer. Does the body seam reducer only affect females? I remember that it was primarily targeted for Exnem or HGEC bodies. What cosmetic mods are you using? Do you have Wrye Bash? To make sure that I am not confusing the problem. Could you start up a new game with a test char, an Altmer, with RBP deactivated, just loading Robert's mod. The skin should be fine then.

Edit: There are work arounds. No worries.

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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:24 am

I edited my last post while you were posting. That should fix the problem. The seam reducing plugin has nothing to do with this particular problem.
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:28 pm

Ah, ok I'll try that edit.

I am importing race date from Robert's into the bashed patch, but I believe race data is imported from RBP as well. And RBP loads after Robert's, so the RBP race data is merged after the Robert's data and takes priority.

I edited my last post while you were posting. That should fix the problem. The seam reducing plugin has nothing to do with this particular problem.

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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:08 am

Robert's plugin should be tagged with Body-M, so it should still win in the body data department. Editing RBP directly will take care of the issue without relying on Bash or overwriting RBP's changes to male height and weight.
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:03 am

Gah! Even with only Robert's Male Body mod active, Altmer males are still stuck with a golden head and pale Imperial-colored body. I didn't try editing with TES4Edit because of this. I even reinstalled the Robert's meshes and textures too, just to be sure.

When I open the Robert's file in the HighElf folder, the color of the skin is pale Imperial, not gold. So apparently all Robert's male high elves are Imperial colored?
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Post » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:19 am

Gah! Even with only Robert's Male Body mod active, Altmer males are still stuck with a golden head and pale Imperial-colored body. I didn't try editing with TES4Edit because of this. I even reinstalled the Robert's meshes and textures too, just to be sure.

When I open the Robert's file in the HighElf folder, the color of the skin is pale Imperial, not gold. So apparently all Robert's male high elves are Imperial colored?

I don't think the texture is exactly same as the Imperial texture, but it may be pale. Face textures definitely may not match up perfectly if you are using non-Vanilla face textures.
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