I know there are plenty of good female companions out there with voice acting, but i need a male for a custom race mod i have ( male only ) that i think would go great with a companion. I was hoping for good voice acting on him too. Ive looked all over Nexus and have not found one yet. I don't care about story or backround just someone to follow you around who knows how to use a gun and won't die.
Phalanx adds the Malcolm follower and he is exactly as you describe. But, Phalanx is a follower overhaul. You're welcome to take Phalanx and do stuff to it, but its impossible to yank one Phalanx follower out of the mod and make it work for your mod. They are heavily scripted and their scripts all mix with one another.
Malcolm is voice acted and uses weapons more efficiently than the player does sometimes (switching between long range, mid, close). He can be stimmed in or out of combat and he will stim you if you get into trouble. He doesn't "die" if he takes too much damage in combat, other things happen instead.
The next version of FOOK has Phalanx embedded in it, the beta 2 in particular (which is coming out in a few days I think) has what seems to be a pretty polished, bleeding-edge Phalanx implementation. The standalone version which is linked in my RELz thread (1.08) is some months behind in development as compared to the FOOK one but it will be updated once FOOK final is released.
I am not sure just what you need regarding race but the follower you seemed to want is in Phalanx.