Male or Female Player Character?

Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:05 am

Male or female, it's all Lara Croft's fault I tell you.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:55 am

Pretty much always female.. Just my preference. Simple as that. :)
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:40 pm

I think it's a lot stranger when you consider the ridiculousness of the situation. In TES, the most 'alien' you can get is Argonian, as a player. Yet there still is a gender divide.


So a guy that plays a walking, talking reptile with a long tail and a really freaky face is more normal than a guy that plays a normal human female?

It gets even stranger when you look at other games.

Take for instance World of Warcraft. I have one been criticized for playing a female troll by a guy who was playing a 9 foot talking cow walking on 2 feet, wielding axes that were larger than most people's houses and wearing armor that wouldn't look too bad in a commercial for mideval fischer price toys.

So, lately i've just ignored people who "can't understand" it.

It's a roleplaying game. You play the role of someone else, or something else. I don't get why simply playing the opposite six raises so many alarms.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:23 am

Male or female, it's all Lara Croft's fault I tell you.

This is what I don't get. Well at least about me. If I am playing Lara Croft, I am playing her, she is not an extension of me. So I have no problem playing a female character. When I can choose and create customize a character, I play mostly of an extension of myself, and I was a geek and still considered it, I play an extension of myself but more enhanced. So I am always male. In my games, I am strong, coordinated, and skillfull unlike I am in real life. I just can't connect when I make a female character like that.

If you look at the mods, why are most of the attractive females scantly clad? Simple, It's the tittilation effect. Why are there mods to make them nvde? Same reason. We get our little jollies from it. Yes it only lasts for a few minutes for most people and then you become oblivious to it after a while.

As to why it's mostly ok for womene to play males, is because for the longest time, it was males making games in a male enviroment. So most games, the hero or main character is always male. So women didn have a choice. If they wanted to play, they had to play a male. I believe the only game to feature a female charcter is Lara Croft. And look at her. Skinny waist, large bust, long legs. Of course she was made from males. Only recently is there alot of females playing video games. The only options they have had to play is males.

Look at the first person games. Almost if not all of them are males. Gears of War 2. Call of Duty. ( I can understand the WWII being all male, but have you seen any female characters for World at War? Yes even if real life is an all male casts, this is a video game where you die, you come back and play more. Why is there no female characters to use in World at War? Because you don't get the tittilation effect from it) Uncharted. The only time use see women is if they are scantly clad lots of times. I am assuming most girls do not want to play a scantly clad girl in their games. So they have not much options but to play male, so if we ever see a girl play a male character it's no big deal. Now you see a guy play a female character first thing that pops to most peoples mind is that person needs or wants the tittilation effect.

Nothing wrong with that, but for some reson most people will not admit to it. It's only human nature. Otherwise we wouldn't have had naked chacters or topless characters in Daggerfall. Now you can't really have that in games, unless you are willing to have a Mature or advlt Only stigma attached to your game.
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gemma king
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:01 am

I usually only play male characters, because I don't get off to pixels like some others and fap over a female in game character. That's what my girlfriend is for.
But I have a few female characters, just because they seem to fit the role of certain things better. Like cooking and cleaning Archers and Mages.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:26 pm

I'm a man, so I play a man. It's most logical to me :)
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:45 am

Most men who play as women in TES do it for perverted reasons, see any advlt mod on TESnexus and there you go, plus look at the number of downloads on those mods.

I feel more comfortable playing as a man, but all my characters are usually developed over my childhood years of play(mostly with Lego) and some of them were girls so I would try to be one of them every now and then.

However, to break the repetativeness of being a man, recently I have been choosing females for my characters.
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:34 pm

My character genders depend on what sort of character I want to make. I like to think that my characters exist before I make them. I just sort of give them a shell to move about the fictional world in.

And no, I don't treat my female characters like eye candy. They're every bit as respected as any of my male characters. And its hard to find mod armor that they actually would wear. For example, my female breton warrior is going to want actual functional armor as opposed to those god awful chain mail bikinis.

Yeah, I'm weird in the fact that I believe even fictional characters deserve at least some form of respect. :unsure2:

That being said, a higher ratio of my characters end up being male, mostly because I have more ideas for male characters.

Edit: Wow, I just noticed x_death's post is pretty much along the lines of what I was trying to say.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:22 pm

This is what I don't get. Well at least about me. If I am playing Lara Croft, I am playing her, she is not an extension of me. So I have no problem playing a female character. When I can choose and create customize a character, I play mostly of an extension of myself, and I was a geek and still considered it, I play an extension of myself but more enhanced. So I am always male. In my games, I am strong, coordinated, and skillfull unlike I am in real life. I just can't connect when I make a female character like that.

If you look at the mods, why are most of the attractive females scantly clad? Simple, It's the tittilation effect. Why are there mods to make them nvde? Same reason. We get our little jollies from it. Yes it only lasts for a few minutes for most people and then you become oblivious to it after a while.

As to why it's mostly ok for womene to play males, is because for the longest time, it was males making games in a male enviroment. So most games, the hero or main character is always male. So women didn have a choice. If they wanted to play, they had to play a male. I believe the only game to feature a female charcter is Lara Croft. And look at her. Skinny waist, large bust, long legs. Of course she was made from males. Only recently is there alot of females playing video games. The only options they have had to play is males.

Look at the first person games. Almost if not all of them are males. Gears of War 2. Call of Duty. ( I can understand the WWII being all male, but have you seen any female characters for World at War? Yes even if real life is an all male casts, this is a video game where you die, you come back and play more. Why is there no female characters to use in World at War? Because you don't get the tittilation effect from it) Uncharted. The only time use see women is if they are scantly clad lots of times. I am assuming most girls do not want to play a scantly clad girl in their games. So they have not much options but to play male, so if we ever see a girl play a male character it's no big deal. Now you see a guy play a female character first thing that pops to most peoples mind is that person needs or wants the tittilation effect.

Nothing wrong with that, but for some reson most people will not admit to it. It's only human nature. Otherwise we wouldn't have had naked chacters or topless characters in Daggerfall. Now you can't really have that in games, unless you are willing to have a Mature or advlt Only stigma attached to your game.

What I don't get is I don't see it like that at all. There's nothing sixual about it for me. I play a respectable human being that just happens to be a girl. I have no body mods, my characters are always wearing clothes, I have no custom armors, etc. I've played plenty of females that weren't exactly beautiful. It's like writing a character, you don't put a female character into a book just to fantasize, you put a female character in a book because the character is female.

I find the body mods and armors weird and excessive, to be honest. It's kinda sixist to have women scantily clad in armor, and to have men fully armed and realistic.
I usually only play male characters, because I don't get off to pixels like some others and fap over a female in game character. That's what my girlfriend is for.
But I have a few female characters, just because they seem to fit the role of certain things better. Like cooking and cleaning Archers and Mages.

:shrug: I don't do that at all, it sounds creepy to be attracted to a female in-game character.

I guess I'm rare.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:06 pm

My character genders depend on what sort of character I want to make. I like to think that my characters exist before I make them. I just sort of give them a shell to move about the fictional world in.

And no, I don't treat my female characters like eye candy. They're every bit as respected as any of my male characters. And its hard to find mod armor that they actually would wear. For example, my female breton warrior is going to want actual functional armor as opposed to those god awful chain mail bikinis.

Yeah, I'm weird in the fact that I believe even fictional characters deserve at least some form of respect. :unsure2:

Seduction has its benefits.

In Fable I used my manly charms to impress all the local girls. It was cool how I sort of wooed them.
Women can woo men too, they just have to do it a different way.

If a woman was dressed down a bit, and put on a nice sixy walk by you and gave you a wink, what would you do?
My heart might explode or something, I might follow her around like a lost puppy.

Actually no, I am a very restrained person, but I would be immediatly attracted and might help her with something if she asked.

Edit: Wow, I just noticed x_death's post is pretty much along the lines of what I was trying to say.

Wow... we got a lot of Artists here. You didn't happen to try and draw your characters or put them into their own story at any point in time?
I have drawn my characters several times and even tried various takes on a story.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:51 pm

I play both. I feel more connected to my male characters though, As I am a guy.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:43 pm

What I don't get is I don't see it like that at all. There's nothing sixual about it for me. I play a respectable human being that just happens to be a girl. I have no body mods, my characters are always wearing clothes, I have no custom armors, etc. I've played plenty of females that weren't exactly beautiful. It's like writing a character, you don't put a female character into a book just to fantasize, you put a female character in a book because the character is female.

I find the body mods and armors weird and excessive, to be honest. It's kinda sixist to have women scantily clad in armor, and to have men fully armed and realistic.

:shrug: I don't do that at all, it sounds creepy to be attracted to a female in-game character.

I guess I'm rare.

Yes you are rare. You are in the minority. Just like how X_death has said. Just go there and take a look. Look how many downloads there are. You are indeed in the minority. :)
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:45 pm

It's kinda sixist to have women scantily clad in armor, and to have men fully armed and realistic.

Indeed. There need to be more mods making the guys wear as little as possible. It'd balance things out a bit. :P
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lacy lake
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:18 am

Most men who play as women in TES do it for perverted reasons...

If this is the ignorant attitude most people have then I'm sorry I asked the question. I was better off not knowing.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:58 pm

I like making females for the whole looking at them bit... and it takes me under ten hours surprisingly to make them look decent enough! But then I realize in game play that they're heads are slightly flat on one side or something uncomfortable like that... but over all I've made more females.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:34 am

If this is the ignorant attitude most people have then I'm sorry I asked the question. I was better off not knowing.

He has a point about the mods. Erotica's popular, who'd uh thunk it?
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:19 pm

Let's get back on the topic of which six you choose for your character, and drop the speculations and generalizations about the motives behind other players choices in the matter. Thanks.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:13 am

I play both.

I just did a count through the save manager in ObMM-- of 23 currently active (more or less) characters, 15 are male and 8 are female.

I actually thought it would've been more evenly split than that.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:22 pm

Mostly female characters. Very few male, actually. And so far, they have tended overwhelmingly to be human. Otherwise, an elf of some kind, for the most part.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:50 pm

If this is the ignorant attitude most people have then I'm sorry I asked the question. I was better off not knowing.

I'm not going to apologize for stating the truth.

And its not the reason I would play as a female character.
I am an artist and a writer, these are my reasons for being a female character when playing.
Just to clarify, I am not a pervert.
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:18 am

I'm not going to apologize for stating the truth.

It's not "the truth" though. It might be what you happen to believe. There is an important difference.

You do not have any kind of monopoly on truth, and coming across as self-righteous won't do you any favours with getting others to agree with your beliefs. Neither can you read minds. So why pretend that you can? Pointing at skimpy/sixy mods doesn't prove anything; nor does the fact that they are very popular. Quite a few women use such mods, in case you didn't realise this already. That's just one reason you, quite evidently, have nothing close to a firm grasp on "teh troof" whatsoever. Wishing, posturing and protesting don't make it so.

And its not the reason I would play as a female character.
I am an artist and a writer, these are my reasons for being a female character when playing.
Just to clarify, I am not a pervert.

Congratulations. You (surprise, surprise) are one of the virtuous few, in the world according to you. This is not an uncommon conceit, y'know. :rolleyes:
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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:49 am

I can totally see your point. Three million copies sold as of 2007, and a few thousand of those players download "sixy" mods? WHOA. Yeah, that math adds up to the majority of males playing females for perverted reasons. :rolleyes:
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:12 pm

I can totally see your point. Three million copies sold as of 2007, and a few thousand of those players download "sixy" mods? WHOA. Yeah, that math adds up to the majority of males playing females for perverted reasons. :rolleyes:

1085905 is the exact number of downloads(as of today) of the first nvde mod. thats 1/3 of the three million.
It is the most downloaded and 3rd most endorsed mod. On Tesnexus.
And I said most "MALES WHO PLAY AS FEMALES" not most male players, BIG EFFING DIFFERENSE.
My point stands.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:03 pm

Read my post again. "The majority of males playing females for perverted reasons." (":rolleyes:") As in, the majority of males who play females doing so for perverted reasons.

And it's funny because nudity doesn't directly correlate to perversion. Arena and Daggerfall both had nudity, it didn't mean it was supposed to be mastvrbation material for pimply pre-teens. It meant that when you took all the player's clothes off, s/he wasn't wearing clothes. WHAT A TWIST.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:12 pm

My point stands.

Not so. You so far lack both evidence and credibility, as well as the good grace to admit the lack of said two.
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