Male or female, it's all Lara Croft's fault I tell you.
This is what I don't get. Well at least about me. If I am playing Lara Croft, I am playing her, she is not an extension of me. So I have no problem playing a female character. When I can choose and create customize a character, I play mostly of an extension of myself, and I was a geek and still considered it, I play an extension of myself but more enhanced. So I am always male. In my games, I am strong, coordinated, and skillfull unlike I am in real life. I just can't connect when I make a female character like that.
If you look at the mods, why are most of the attractive females scantly clad? Simple, It's the tittilation effect. Why are there mods to make them nvde? Same reason. We get our little jollies from it. Yes it only lasts for a few minutes for most people and then you become oblivious to it after a while.
As to why it's mostly ok for womene to play males, is because for the longest time, it was males making games in a male enviroment. So most games, the hero or main character is always male. So women didn have a choice. If they wanted to play, they had to play a male. I believe the only game to feature a female charcter is Lara Croft. And look at her. Skinny waist, large bust, long legs. Of course she was made from males. Only recently is there alot of females playing video games. The only options they have had to play is males.
Look at the first person games. Almost if not all of them are males. Gears of War 2. Call of Duty. ( I can understand the WWII being all male, but have you seen any female characters for World at War? Yes even if real life is an all male casts, this is a video game where you die, you come back and play more. Why is there no female characters to use in World at War? Because you don't get the tittilation effect from it) Uncharted. The only time use see women is if they are scantly clad lots of times. I am assuming most girls do not want to play a scantly clad girl in their games. So they have not much options but to play male, so if we ever see a girl play a male character it's no big deal. Now you see a guy play a female character first thing that pops to most peoples mind is that person needs or wants the tittilation effect.
Nothing wrong with that, but for some reson most people will not admit to it. It's only human nature. Otherwise we wouldn't have had naked chacters or topless characters in Daggerfall. Now you can't really have that in games, unless you are willing to have a Mature or advlt Only stigma attached to your game.