That's a good story. If my wife allows it as a joke wile I'm out of the room, I won't be mad. I likely would take a pic myself, hehe. Then I'd get him out of it after my laughs were done.
That's a good story. If my wife allows it as a joke wile I'm out of the room, I won't be mad. I likely would take a pic myself, hehe. Then I'd get him out of it after my laughs were done.
my wife is a bit of a gamer girl, more of a Mario cart, Fable kinda gal. But a gamer girl none the less. She has no issue with me taking over the Tv once or twice a week for a couple hours
Can't talk her into tryen Skyrim though, she says it seems to complicated But I know the truth.....She just doesn't want me watching, sharing comments from the peanut gallery
Halo is a no go, she's caught onto the fact that I just use her for target practice
Oh don't worry.....
Many a day have I woken up after receiving a make over. My wife is evil too, once she let me go to the store all dolled up like it's Friday night the look from the cashier was priceless now that I look back on it... ...
Huh, I though I was the only one.
Out of all the gamers I know, only my brother and ex-brother-in-law are gamers (I guess my brat-aged nephew counts too). Practically every other gamer I know in real life is a woman, whether they're friends, family, or people from school.
Then again, I don't have many guy friends to begin with.
She's a red head
15 years and counting, been together since the 9th grade
Count yourself one of the lucky then, my mom could wait to show off that pic of me. Even threatened to blow it up and post it at her work
20+ years later and she shows the pic to my two boys, to this day I still haven't been able to steal that pic from her. It's kept under lock and key
Hahahahhaha awesome
sorry for laughing but it's pretty damn funny
Not when you have an amazing gal at your side .......
WTF should I hide my gender? Gimme a break. I'm closing in on 40 years old. I refuse to hide my gender and misrepresent myself to proactively stifle the juvenile and backwards attitudes of others. If I did that, I'd never find the people that I actually DO want to hang out with, and the places that welcome me as I am. Yes, it's the internet where people can pretend be whoever they want, but I prefer to be myself.
I'ma dude, but I know at least 3 female gamers who play TES ;p
That's fine but females seem to announce that they're females, and males don't, if you didn't announce it people wouldn't know, and then you'd probably be treated normally. When nerds know they're dealing with a female they behave very strangely, it can range from worship to outright hostility, but never normal.
Well said! could'nt agree with you more! IF they are'nt strong enough to be themselves, thats there problem.
Luckily for her, that isn't the case on this site.
On xbox though....good luck.
To be honest even on Xbox I don't think the flak that women get on something like Xbox Live is any more than any given person gets on the internet. Even if you aren't a woman, you're still likely to get some unpleasant anonymous individual railing you for your skill at the game, your playstyle, your age, your voice, anything. I dont see why this is such a female-centric issue. This is just an "Anonymous dikes being dikes to everyone" issue.
Certainly not the case here. I love it here. Never been on any console forums and I don't do MP so I haven't had to deal with that either.
But honestly, the stuff on the internet may be annoying and, at times, frustrating, but in real life I'm the manager of a small electrical contracting company in the Southern US. "Sweetheart, this is probably something I should talk with your boss about. Why don't I call back when he's there."
So they do, and he tells them they have to talk to me. Good times.
Don't have an Xbox so I haven't experienced it but could imagine the "flak" is more sixualized. And I'm sure that's very tiresome. It's women experience this, so there's some cumulative effect.
The problem here being, your "shoulds" and finger-wagging should be directed to the juvenile jerks, not to women who don't deserve to be harassed whether they announce themselves or not. Assuming by announce yourself you don't mean simply by having a feminine user name and/or avatar, which again, should be any person's right. The digital space should be like any other public place, with the same expectation for basic decency you'd have in a mall or restaurant.
That's a fair point. Xbox is rough to everyone, but with women its always because they're chicks, and that's exclusively it. They svck at the game because they're girls, they lost the match because they had a girl on the team, then there's the sixist comments, etc etc. So she can't even feel like one of the guys because while other people are at least getting ratted on for something that is a fault, like actually being bad or actually being stupid, not that this is good of course, she's just ratted on for being a she. It's stupid as all hell.
But then, you on the other side get the party where they're following this one chick and all you hear is all these guys raising their voice to talk to this 1 chick....ugh. All in all, dudes on live around girls tend to be the worst.
Says why right there in my post. :/
Not saying it makes the creepy/immature behavior towards female gamers acceptable but it's just what happens if you make it obvious you're female - people take it the wrong way. Though to be fair, some girls do try to take advantage of the do some guys who pretend to be girls.
Ignore it and announce your gender if you like, I'm not saying you need to stay in the closet or anything like that - if you don't mind the consequences or have some ideological opposition, whatever, just don't expect some people to handle it well.
I say that's tough for them. Same argument with the talos ban, lol. Hiding it is no answer.