That's so dumb.
That's so dumb.
no worry... its a mistake I seem to get because of the avatar. I just don't have a male character to switch it to and certainly won't use a pic of myself haha.
It's worst then's creepy and very immature. Weather it be to simply flirt, or harass the gal for kicking your ass. Ether way taint right.....
hope my little girl doesn't have to contend with this when she starts to play video games, it saddens me as a father to know this happens
Neither do I! But it IS an issue for some. A male friend once said to me that it was just weird to him to see a girl holding a game control as it 'looked wrong'. The same guy also asked me a random medical question and when I gave him a detailed answer he said "You're pretty smart for a girl". For a girl? I was almost - ALMOST - tempted to say that even though us women only have one head, it's the one with the brain in. I managed to refrain myself and merely offer a belittling smile, instead. lol
Altho I have a deep respect for girl gamers as they are often very talented and are as skilled as any guy gamer given they devote the same time to the game I do have to say one thing: please don't turn your whole body when turning in Mario Kart. You don't all do it, so I apologize to the ones that don't ^^
loljk, I think you open a whole can of worms in MMOs tho, can't compare it to Skyrim's model. It will be interesting in TESO if people have class or not...
I agree some games have plenty of jerks that like to harass female gamers and give guys a bad name oh and I'm a guy
Goes without saying really.
Yeah it's just wrong, but fortunately the kind of sick people that do that are few in number. Just keep your daughter to the Elder Scrolls, you can't go wrong there
Btw I'm a dude but I can't bring myself to playing as a female character, it just doesn't feel right.
Ha my wife would have said it to em
That's sad, even today you gotta put up with that crap with gaming of all things, really,really sad
on behalf of all male gamers.
Haha More power to your wife. (I still regret not saying it myself...mine is an evil laugh !)
It's easy enough on the whole to ignore, but I've heard some incredibly sixist comments from male gamers. I remember when I was 14 and playing my Sega master system as a little blue hedgehog without a care in the world.
But I never let anyone take away my fun. And this forum seems to be full of cool gamers!
Well yeah, it's full of people who play Elder Scrolls games
Guy here. And those kids who harass female players have a serious insecurity problem IMO (or various of them).
Really? I use to play in a Minecraft server where there are tons of 12-16 year-old kids (including 2 or 3 girls), and if they don't mention their age, you'd easily mistake them for advlts. They're absolutely mature and respectful towards female players, even when they (girls) beat them (boys) at PvP's (and I assure you, they do).
It's also a problem of attitude and education, and not just age.
It depends on who you're playing with and the game you're playing. But yeah it's not just age, there's the whole childhood upbringing and all that which determines the attitude of each player. Minecraft is a casual, relaxing game where people generally get on, CoD is another story.
Believe me, the advlt males are worse than the kids. I've encountered a few REALLY hateful males (mainly on Twitter) who in an increasing number of cases are banned for the insults they throw at female gamers!
It's out of order, full stop. Gender shouldn't even come into it.
I don't really like to call it "tolerance", because there's nothing to tolerate here. I frankly care a crap if someone is a girl or a boy. All I care is to have fun with him / her.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't quite understand why I should "tolerate" something that should be just normal.