lol i know doahkiin means dragonborn was meaning the word HIM right before that but all good tho . question answered
That really doesn't mean anything. In Morrowind, the text in the opening cinematic referred to a prisoner being taken to Morrowind "Unaware of the role
he was to play in that nations future.", not sure if I got the quote completely right, but you get the idea. The fact that the Dragonborn is referred to as "he" doesn't mean anything, after all, when referring to jusr the Dragonborn, not the particular character you'll create, they don't know if you'll play a male or female character, so really, there's not much else they can do, other than improperly using "they" as a singular term, since English lacks a specific gender neutral pronoun for a single person.
There's no evidence to suggest we won't be able to play as a male or female character, so the logical assumption is that we will. Though I doubt the choice will have a significant impact on gameplay, obviously, dialog referencing you're character will refer to you as "she" if you're a female character rather than "he", and some dialog and quests might be a little different depending on six, I mean, Morrowind and Oblivion had that too. Take for example that one person on the road in Morrowind who would ask you for a kiss if you were female, or that quest in Anvil where if you were female, the gang that was robbing people would offer to let you join them rather than trying to rob you like if you were a male character. But I doubt we'll see anything that will significantlty alter the gameplay experience.
and frankly I find it sixist, giving females elaborate, none functional, trying-to-show-of-there-body styles
I have to agree there. Why should a female character who we're meant to believe is as strong and skilled a fighter as her male counterparts have such a different fighting style from them. Oh, right, fan service, because we're talking about a fighting style that is designed to show off the character's body. Keep the combat animations for the sixes the same I say.
Not only can you be genderdextrous you can also be speciesdextrous and be a beast - actually I wonder if lore wise the dragons have Argonians as distant cousins?
Why should they? Just because both races have scales doesn't mean there's any relation between them, you wouldn't say cats are distant counsins of humans, despite also being mammals.