Just out of interest, would anyone be against male characters being stronger and females having an advantage in speechcraft? (for example)
Well, Oblivion, Morrowind and Daggerfall did have attribute dimorphism. (dimorphism being a difference between male and female) in Dagger it was basically sixist.. males got lots of bonuses where female got none, which is pretty [censored]. It didnt matter in the end since there was a bug that made them make no actual differences. Morrowind and Oblivion did it on a more equal basis. It's hard to delve into the topic of gender-based bonuses without it bring out all the sixism, lets see if we can talk about it in a mature manner

Now in our plane of existance.. in most species (including human beings) there is dimophism. Males have an average tenancy to be stronger, larger and faster than females (strength, speed, endurance) Just out of my personal experience I've met a lot more stupid and arrogant men than I have met stupid or arrogant women (intelligence/willpower).. most women tend to be more personable than most men (personality) being of more mild mannerisms and less intimidating, unnerving and offsetting appearances. Likewise women also tend to make some of the best gymnasts in the world because of a higher disposition towards having agility, balance and flexibility (Agility) Human females are also less susceptible to disease and infections than human males (Disease Resistance %) having a higher white blood cell count, and living longer on average.
The TES universe does not necessarily need to be truly realistic since it's a fantasy world, but I personally think that there should be differences between males and females. it makes the world more interesting and diverse, and even makes it worthwhile to create characters of different genders because you get a different playing experience.. having all NPCs and races being perfectly balanced in all manners makes for a pretty sterile and boring world, I'd like to see
*asymmetrical balance* where some races and genders get bonuses that others do not get, BUT each race and gender should bring their own unique and useful bonuses to the table so they are all equal in a sense... their strengths and weaknesses are just in different places.