Male vampires chin...

Post » Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:31 pm

I just can't understand why the makers of the game would think male vampires should have a huge chin.

It isn't difficult to end up with a good looking female vampire, because they really just get red eyes, pale face and a faint line under the nose.

But male vampires really have their faces ruined.

I want to have a vampire mage, but it seems impossible to create a character that could look decent as one.

Even if you set chin length to minimum, it still becomes freaky long after getting vampirism.

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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:00 am

Go with a Female Vampire Mage? I believe it was after the Dawnguard DLC was installed that the vampires got exclusive changes. I don't remember anything special before except eye color. But there's nothing to do about it, unless you make a female since that doesn't bother you as much. Unless there is some sort of mod that will fix this. Or console command.

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Isabel Ruiz
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