Malicious Souls-The Fatal Journey

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:18 am

"Ready? Ready for what?" Florig asked...His question was answered as a vampire lunged at him from the darkness. Florig yelled and kicked the vampire off of him, letting Maud plunge a fork into the vampires chest. It screamed and burst into flames.
"By the gods...." Natus whispered.
Florig stood up and looked down into the darkness, "We move." The group ran through the darkness, lit only by Mauds fork, they heard noise all around them, following. The hisses and footsteps grew louder and plentiful, at least two dozen were probably behind the companions, waiting to get their hands on their flesh and blood.
"Light! I see light!" Florig yelled, the group quickening their pace till they reached a large door, the tree symbol glowing a perfect blue.
"PUSH!" Natus yelled in anger, the door slowly moving inward. Finally the door slid open, crashing against the dirt on the otherside.


The three companions hit the dirt as fire arrows zoomed over their heads, hitting the vampires behind, allowing the survivors to flee back to the darkness.

"Help them up!"

The three companions found themselves being helped up by mysterious, cloaked men. They were of the man species, not mer nor beast. Florig pushed one back and snatched his silver longsword back, forcing Maud and Natus away from him, looking at Florig who had swords and bows pointed towards him.
"Take the other two away...I'll deal with this barbaric fool." Said the leader of the group. Florig saw his companions taken away to a large feast hall, leaving him in the hall.
"Who are you?" Florig asked, keeping his sword in front of him.
The man took ordered his troops to lower their weapon, he pulled off his hood and brushed his long black hair from his eyes, "We are Colovian Rangers, we serve the Emporer and protect Cryodiil from anyone who dare harm this great province. I presume you are wandering why we are this far south? Well you'll find we know a great many things....You've lost something, is that right? You wish to speak to the great priests in the Imperial City?"
Florig sheathed his blade, "You know much...Yes, all you mentioned is true. We mean no harm to Cryodiil or the Emporer, we wish to rest and we'll be on our way." Florig moved forward but was blocked as spears sprung to his chest.
"You can't leave, the Redoran and Imperial Soldiers won't be as kindly as us, you'd be killed where you stand." Said the Ranger, "You'll stay here, they will leave sometime, then we will escort you to the Imperial City." The Ranger held out his hand, which Florig shook. They nodded and Florig was led to the feast hall with his companions.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 am

IC: "Kick me in the groin if I know what all this is about." He muttered.
"You know you guys really are a lot of fun, a month ago I just was an ordenary legionnairy doing my ordenary business, now I get nearly killed almost on a daily basis not to mention shot and I even don't get any ale." Natus complained.
One of the cloaked men hit him hard on the head.
Natus suddenly turned around, "what was that?" He asked angrily.
"That was I hitting your dumb head Imperial pig." The man replied with a grin.
"Oooh, though one eh." Natus unsheated his sword and with a swift swing the man lay on the ground, his stomach was covered with blood.
"You're crazy!" Maiud shouted, it was pretty ironical that a fork worshipper was shouting this to him but Natus just shruged.
"He had it coming."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 am

Florig yelled at Natus, "You fool!" The Rangers unsheathed their weapons and aimed at the companions.
"Take them away!" The leader yelled.
Florig caught up with Natus and kicked him in the back of the leg, making him limp, "You crazy or something? Want us to get killed?"
Natus went to open his mouth but was stabbed in the ear by one of Mauds forks, "I'll put you down next beast!"
"No talking!" One of the Rangers yelled. Finally they were tossed into a large stone cell, except the cell door, was a heavy Aylied wall. Florig yelled and started punching the wall,No wander they let us keep our weapons, Florig thought.
After awhile they gave up trying to get out and sat down in the pitch black room.

"Open this door now, I demand it."

Florig and the other two looked at the door, listening for the unfamiliar, demanding voice.

"We can't open it sir, they are-" The voice stopped as the loud sound of steel slicing through flesh echoed into the cell.

"Attack!" The demander yelled.

For at least an hour the companions listened to the battle outside, when it died down they saw the door sliding open, the companions drew their swords as several shadowy, heavy armoured Imperial Knights blocked the way out, "Do come with us friends, we won't kill you till we reach the Emporer himself, he loves to watch traitors die...."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 am

"What will we do? Surrender or fight?" Natus asked, it was either the death of a coward in front of the emporer or death now in battle.
"Ooh yes, one more thing if you don't come along willingly we will kill your family." The knight said with an evil grin.
Natus frowned, he didn't believe the man but he wasn't going to take any chances and lay down his sword, "We're no traitors though." He said not giving the slightest hint away of anger or fear.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 am

Florig moved angrily as they shoved him out of the small cave entrance, obviously the alternate way into, or in their case, out of, the Aylied ruins. Florig would have fought, he could care less for his family, but he wouldn't take that away from Natus or Maud. After a short hike they reached the Niben lake, right beside Bruma, an entire fleet of ships, full of Imperial Soldiers, Knights, and Redoran militia. They were thrusted onto the nearest ship and this time they were kept tied on the deck of the ship, after their numerous escapes from other Imperial fleet ships.
Natus kicked Florig after they were tied to a wooden pole, "Any bright ideas?" He asked sarcasticly.
Florig growled and brought his knee into Natus' face, making his nose bleed. "You crazy or something?!" Natus yelled, rubbing his nose against his legs.

"Set the sail!"

The companions looked up as the sail was set, the boat slowly picking up wind and speeding faster and faster through the water. Florig had never been on these kind of Imperial Vessels, he doubted Natus or Maud had either, for these were built for war, speed, and deadly combat efficiency. Florig managed to peak around the wood pole and saw the Imperial Waterfront, their destination, was only a mile away.....
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:36 am

Natus sighed, he gave Florig an filthy glare before looking to his suroundings.
He understood why FLorig was mad and was planning on appoligising but it seemed that he'd rather keep his breath for imporetant matters as once they would've reached the emporer the only thing saving him from the edge of a legionnaire's sword and sudden death was an escape plan and for the moment the odds were turned against them.
"Maud? Do you still have one of your fours? Maybe we could use on of those to get the hell of this ship." Natus suggested.
"Are you insane?!" Florig shouted, "even IF we could get of this boat and past the numerious not to mention heavily armed and well trained legionnaires, then what? It's a hell of a long swim and this place is filled with slaughter fish and they would catch us again in no time." Florig had a point and Natus hated to admit it. "I guess so." He sighed again and started to think how this might be his last day alive.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 am

Geadros and the general walking to White Gold Tower and just before he went inside he caught of his former friends from Solthstiem, his two legion troopers being exicuted, as they got their heads cut off Geadros quickly looks away and a tear tuns down his face.
"Finaly, the Tower!" the General said, maybe we can start this-" he was cut off as a Councilor walked up to him,
"Im sorry, General, but the Hearing has bgeen cancelled for the next two days" said the Councilman, "Damn it!" said the general, as Geadros heard that he felt alive, "But the Emperor has ordered the rest of the tower open to you and you companion, your allowed in the dining hall and the Imperial Library up in the tower" he said, "We'll okay" said the general, as they both walked up in the tower the general goes towards the dining and Geadros walks inside the library hoping one of the priest can tell him about the ring.

As he sits down a monk walks up to him, "Hello Capt. Geadros, we have been expecting you." said the monk, "You knew i was coming?" Geadros said looking suprised, "Yes, we have forseen it, you are carrying something important and you want an answer for the Creatures and this mysteriously object you are carrying, yes?" said the monk, "Hold on, let me get you our Grand Priest, be careful he is blind" said the monk, "Ok" said Geadros,
As the monk came he did not come with the priest but with a book, "Here this should help you, but do not take it out of the library, this is our only copy of the book.

As Geadros opens it up the passage reads:

"...The ring has no name, it has no meaning..."
"...but it hails from an Island of the Coast of Vvardenfal...."
"...This ring brought the coming of an Undead threat..."
"... it's purpose is to bring the living to the dead..."
"...Once Held by a Dwemer King it brought the extinction of the Dwemer and the Ayleids..."
"... forged by the Dwarves, Ayleids and the Dwemer they had kept it safe before the beginning of recorded history.."
"...Before the Empire, before the founding of Tamriel, this ring was forged long ago..."
"...this is the correct passage to destroy the ring..."
(the passage is written in three languages, Dwraven, Ayleid, and Dwemer and is unreadable)

"By the Nine, i have to show this to..." he said while thinking if Florig will take his apology, he then takes the book and puts it in his travel bag and leaves the tower, while looking out a window before he leaves he sees a huge Legion Fleet of Battleships coming towards the waterfront, and also sees the Undead starting to form in the Mountains near bruma.

As he goes outside he is greeted by the Dunmer Captain, "Hello Geadros, while i was riding back i managed to look on one of those boats you were looking at, and Florig, Natus and an Argonian were on the boat, looks like their hostages" said the dunmer, "i see, and those creatures are starting to form in the mountains" said Geadros.
"You need to go back to Morrowind, and try to rally House Hlaalu and Telvanni, the legion has already rallied the Redaron House" said Geadros, "Ok, i have happen to rally the rest of my rangers" said the Dunmer, "Good, i have to go now!" he said.

As he walks to the waterfront Geadros looks from the top of the Lighthouse and sees the Legion battleships start to dock and looks at the three starting to walk off the ship.

OCC: where the heck is Ragnok?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 am

OOC: He said to change my previous post on page four so he would end up in the Imperial City, I changed it just now.

Florig, Natus, and Maud were kicked down the docks and taken to the large gate leading to the Imperial City.

"Open the gates!"

The companions moved inside and saw numerous alley ways in the district they were in.
Florig elbowed his two companions, "Follow my lead.." He whispered. The companions nodded, and in a flash Florig headbutted the guard and grabbed his sword, severing his rope bonds, "RUN!" The companions ran into the city and hid in one of the small ponds in the arboreatum, covering themselves in dirt and sticks. The Imperial soldiers ran right by except for four lone Legionnaire watch captains.
Florig used his new found steel longsword and cut the other twos' rope bonds and they lunged from the grass, killing the legionnaires with utmost stealth and haste. After a few minutes, the companions were dressed up in the heavy Imperial Watch armour, it's white and gold colour shining in the sun, they put on the helmets and took the swords from the legionnaires corpses, Natus smiling broadly as he found a full, but warm, bottle of Ale.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

OOC:Sorry I couldn't post earlier. been traininb my oblivion guy.

Maud scratched at his armor. " You know, I don't think he could pass off as a legion soldier..." said Natus.
"oh well. We're not really depending on our--" Florig was cut short as a close voice shouted near the alley they'd hid in"STOP!" Said the man. they drew their swords and looked out to see.
An Imperial Legion tackled a poor argonian beggar. "I guess i have a bounty. hehehe poor svcker." Said maud.
"oh shutup forkboy! You'll get us found! Hissed florig, and yanked him back.

the three found a alcove behind a building and waited for morning to come. Late that night. when both florig amd natus had dozed, Maud crept out. Not many guards were out but je sneaked anyways. he walked casually. argonians are hard to distinguish, and the guaed they had seen was punished. So Maud still remaines undetected. Once in the maeket district he saw a dunmer sitting on some steps.
"Maud??" Maud explained his predicament. he nodded and said
"Ok i shall help you in the morning."
"You'll see."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:09 pm

OOC:Sorry I couldn't post earlier. been traininb my oblivion guy.

Maud scratched at his armor. " You know, I don't think he could pass off as a legion soldier..." said Natus.
"oh well. We're not really depending on our--" Florig was cut short as a close voice shouted near the alley they'd hid in"STOP!" Said the man. they drew their swords and looked out to see.
An Imperial Legion tackled a poor argonian beggar. "I guess i have a bounty. hehehe poor svcker." Said maud.
"oh shutup forkboy! You'll get us found! Hissed florig, and yanked him back.

the three found a alcove behind a building and waited for morning to come. Late that night. when both florig amd natus had dozed, Maud crept out. Not many guards were out but je sneaked anyways. he walked casually. argonians are hard to distinguish, and the guaed they had seen was punished. So Maud still remaines undetected. Once in the maeket district he saw a dunmer sitting on some steps.
"Maud??" Maud explained his predicament. he nodded and said
"Ok i shall help you in the morning."
"You'll see."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:55 am

OOC: No offence sir Adam but that sounded an afwul lot like LOTR :D

IC: In the middle of the night Natus awoke screaming "ALE!" He had got a bad dream about the lizard Maud stealing his ale, Natus ignored Florig's complains of him asking to keep it down but instead he searched for his beloved bottle of ale finaly finding it, he shortly hugged it before drinking of it. Natus was happy again and turned to Florig "Sorry, and not just for this, I mean for everything." He didn't said it very loud because he didn't want the Argonian to hear it, but after a closer look he noticed that the Argonian was gone.
"Where in Oblivion did that good-for-nothing, fork-loving, ale-stealing lizard go to?" He asked quite angry while looking around the dark neighbourhood. "Probably stealing." Natus answer to his own question and shrugged.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:37 pm

As Geadros walks through an Alley he looks trying not to draw too much attention to the redoran and the leginon, he then sees an argonian sneaking around but doesnt pay to much attention to him, after hours of walking around he scouts the imperial prison for the three legionares and is quickly greeted by Ragnok.

"Geadros there you are!" he said, "nice to see you too, did you see any legions that they escorted to the prison?" he said to Ragnok,
"nope" he said then Geadros walks over to the jail to see if they were there, as he walks by an alley someone punches him in the head and someone else hits him over the head with and empty Ale bottle and Geadros passes out,
"Dammit Natus, i wanted to talk to him!" said Florig, "oops! sorry about that, i just wanted to hit him over the head!" said Natus.
He then wakes up and catches a glimpse of Florig and before he could say something another legionaire bottles him in the head again and Geadros passes out again, "Dammit Natus, what in Oblivion did you do that for?" said Florig, "i thought you wanted me to hit him in the head again" said Natus, "Nevermind, lets drag him to the sewers!" he said,
"ok" said Natus, as they drag him over the the sewers.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:27 pm

As being passed out he has a weird dream, he dreams of walking on a island that is familiar to him, he then sees a Tall Dwemer Tower and walks inside, lots of undead creatures, Zombies and Corpus monsters walking the inside with his fellow legionaires fighting off the monsters, as he pulls out his sword it is enchanted, a large Golden Claymore with Dwraven writing on the blade, he then strikes a undead monster and his burst into flames, he looks at the hilt of the sword and sees the ring on the hilt and the sword drawing power from it, as he slashes more and more creatures, a group of redoran guard break through the main doors and firing arrows at the creatures, as he runs up to the top of the tower he sees an alter in the middle of the room with the same ring but covered in Ice, as he strikes the sword at it the fire blinds and burns out his eyes...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:19 am

Florig and Natus dragged Geadros to a sewer grate and opened it, he took the ring, and dropped the unconcious Geadros into the vile water below.
"Now he is where he belongs...Bastard!" Florig whispered, "Come, we have to find the priests."

The two companions, Maud still missing, found the priests dwellings, they entered. The two men moved quietly through the halls, finally reaching a large library, a bearded man stood, reading, he slammed the book shut, "I knew you would come." He turned around and faced the two men.
"Speak priest!" Florig yelled, holding out the ring, "What is this and what does it mean?" The priest smiled and took out a large, dusty book, he began to talk, "It says, much of death, destruction, and evil, forged by the Dwemer, it says, that it brought the death to both Dwemer and Aylieds. We can't be sure of this though, all stories have their share of lies, this one obviously, as the death of both Dwemer and Aylieds are unknown to even the highest power of Tamriel, the Emporer." The priest put up the book and took the ring, "The ring, it is a map, it was meant to be forged, and destroyed in the same location, if I can decipher the map, I can-" The priest was cut off as Legionnaires and Dunmer Rangers burst into the library.
"You! Come with us! Now!" The General in charge yelled. Florig sighed and backed backwards, in a heartbeat, he slashed a nearby rope, making a piece of broken cieling fall on the General and at least two dozen Legionnares and Rangers., "Follow me!" The preist yelled, opening a nearby door and before closing it, he handed the ring to Florig, "Take it to Harius, in the chapel of Bruma. Move fast, the undead beasts close in on the city as we speak."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 am

The two companions moved through the tunnels and walked into a large room...The White Gold Tower basemant.
"Great... Where is that thief and forks when we need him?" Natus said, drinking the last drop of his Ale, grunting.
"Ok, well-" Florig stopped talking as he heard screeches and combat above...The attack had began. They moved up into the Green Emporer Way and saw undead soldiers, clad in heavy Cyrodiilic Dwemer and Dwemer armour with all kinds of ancient weapons, they were led by the souls, screeching high above the city. The Imperial Watch and Legionnaires didn't stand a chance and were cut down in waves. It wasn't long before arrows flew over the walls and took out all the battlements.
"Florig! Look, it's the beast!" Natus yelled, pointing towards Maud, aided by a mysterious Dunmer. Florig pulled off his helmet and ran to Maud and the dunmers aid, although they seemed to be doing very well, cutting down enemies and alies alike with a large fork.
"We can leave now! Please?" Natus yelled.
"No! We can't let the Imperial City fall, even if your hate for them is great." Florig said, rushing into battle, Maud, Dunmer, and Natus at his side. They cut down the undead soldiers, allowing the Imperial Watch and Legionnaires to push forward, pushing the undead back into the Market District.

"They've taken the Waterfront!"

The companions followed a large battallion to the waterfront, it was burning.....Souls flew above, sending firery blasts down on the ships on the large Lake Rumare and undead soldiers, mounted upon skeletal horses, blocked the Imperial Isle and the bridges, blocking all exits. The rear of the battallion rained a volley down on the waterfront while the front ranks moved downward, assisted by the four companions, Florig, Natus, Maud, and the mysterious Dunmer.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 am

Natus shivered, no one had ever called him a coward but that day he rather would've fled and return to his coisy house and to his family, or at least what might be left of it. The undead creatures were vicious and clearly showed no mercy as they cut down any opponent that came close enough for their sword, axe or mace to hit it didn't matter if it was civilian or soldier, nor child or woman all were equaly treatend and this meant death. The smell of burning corpses and screams of people dying filled the night air, no man could help but shiver.

None the less Natus fought heroic, many undead creatures fell the edge of his sword as he was filled with rage and some might say that rage is the best weapon in combat. "How will we get away from here?! The city is lost!" Natus shouted.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 pm

ooc :sorry ive been away (i just got morrowind on pc so you know...)

ic: ragnokk had visited an old friend librarian in cheydinhal and then on his return to the imperial capital he found geadros asking about some prisoners.

finaly peicing the information together he hastily readies himself for battle as he hears the screams of combat above. As a last thought he wraps a silver chain about his right hand and prepares to fight. the area of the cithy he is in is unnafected and he has time to think over what the librarian told him. he realises that the answers are in morrowind where the ring was found and the map is with a priest of bruma also the key to this map is linked to the emperor in some way(key as in symbols on a map not as in unlocking a door) but the final location of the rings story is hidden by the veils of time and not even the emperor can know its true purpose...

the fight begins and the chain around his hand warps into a steel longsword, it has no extra powers apart from the fact that it is wheightless and so is easier to use (fatigue is not drained when swinging it).

the fight is long but eventualy ragnokk reaches the tower and decides that first he must protect the emperor and then after he is safe a plan can be formed.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:25 pm

As geadros drifts out of the sewers and floats by a small legion patrol heading to bruma,
"hey is that the guy who stole a scroll out of the library?" one legion officer said, "yeah that's him, lets take him to the Bruma Jail" he said whie laughing, as Geadros wakes up he sees his armor is still on but the ring is gone, just before he was knocked out cold he remembered Florig taking the ring away from him.

He walks around in a huge cell with 6 others he recognizes in the cell with him, The General, Two Agents, A Legion Scout, Two other Recruits, he looks around and takes out a scroll and somehow he knows what the Ayeid inscpription says. and e falls back asleep.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

The sun was rising as the battalion, aided by a few more now, were still fighting the undead, they had pushed them back to the lighthouse and had surrounded them, that was before Florig saw a group of souls flying towards the battallions, it drained most of the soldiers and changed them into brain dead zombies, the other Legionnaires, including Florig, Natus, Maud, and Mauds mysterious Dunmer friend, fled into the Imperial Isle.
"We lost them." Natus said, gasping for breath as they jumped into a ditch, letting the legionnaires flee further, followed by the undead.
"Not for long...Maud, do you still have your fork? To get us to Bruma." Florig said.
"Yes...Here it is." Mauds chanted several words and the four found themselves in space, then quickly teleported to the Bruma northern gates. They moved into the city and towards the chapel. Inside, they found the man the Imperial Priest told them to.
"Are you a priest Harius?" Florig asked, taking out the ring.
The priest gasped, "That ring.....I know why you have come...Follow me." The priest brushed his grey hair from his eyes and walked into the undercroft, he picked up a map from a nearby crack in the wall, "You want to destroy it, correct?" The companions nodded, Harius began to talk, holding the map and the ring, "It was forged in Vvardenfell of Morrowind, it has one word inscribed on it's underside...Rmotain. Anyone with a brain knows it says Red Mountain. If you truly want to destroy the ring, you must enter a Dwemer fortress, take itto the top of it's tall tower and cast it into the great forge. Be warned, you will find what the power of the ring truly is in that place, if you take the power, the wielder would be a god."
Florig coughed and took the ring, and the map back, looking at the map he saw where the ruins were, right beside the old dwemer ruin Lord Dagoth Ur resided in before the Nevarine cast him down. Florig thanked the priest and the companions walked out of the chapel, their only move was to head back into Morrowind and find passage to the island of Vvardenfell.
"Beast, do you-" Natus coughed as Mauds mysterious dunmer friend held a knife to his throat.
"Don't call my friend 'beast'....Imperial pig." The dunmer let go and Florig pounced ontop of him, stabbing him in the shoulder.
"You do not threaten us...Whoever you are! You follow us...And I'll cut you down." Florig stood up and went out of the city gates with Natus, leaving Maud and his friend alone in the streets of Bruma.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:30 am

OOC: made a edit to my last post where i get bottled in the head by Natus,
LOL i find it humorous!
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

OOC: That is funny lol.

Florig and Natus moved through the snowy Jerrals towards the border to Morrowind. Florig kind of felt bad about leaving Maud and his friend alone in Bruma, but he had no choice.
"What's that?" Natus asked pointing towards a large airship fleet, the ships were made of Dwemer metals.
Florig looked to the north and saw the airship fleet....Numerous undead soldiers commanding the vessels, burning trees and a small settlement, Florig grabbed Natus and they both jumped into an iced over ravine, lying prone under a nearby log. They layed still as the ships zoomed over their heads, burning trees and headed north to Skyrim. The two companions stood up and ran towards the burnt village...
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:09 am

OOC: Lol+time for new char wOOt

Name: Haj Ed Argi Crippo Na.
Nickname: Crippo [he hates to be called Haj]
Race: Argonian.
Age: 39
Gender: Male.
Birthsign: The Warrior.

General Appearance: Crippo is a well build Argonian, his arms are muscular making him look like a frightening lizard. His head is red, and so are his legs but his chest is green making him look rather colourful. He has many scars on his back and a face that looks rather violent.
Eyes: Blue eyes.
Hair: A red ridge.
Height: 6'3
Weight: Average.

Mental Description: Crippo is a racist, he hates all other races especialy the Dunmers and the Imperials, he doesn't easily make friends but when he does he can be enjoyable. He gets mad rather quickly and has the bad intention to start calling names when he doesn't like you. He's also a coward and would rather run away than to fight if he has the possebilty except if it has anything to do with the honour of himself, his family or Argonia and the Hiss.

Clothing: Leather armour

Bio: Crippo was born and raised in Black Marsh where from young age his dad teached him how to defend himself. On the age of 18 Crippo had seen enough of the swampy area and started traveling around, it didn't took long or he was captured by some slave traders and was sold to a Telvanni woman. He worked a year for her until on one evening he slayed the woman and took of, the Imperial legion quikly took hold of him and he was sent to the Imperial city prison where after one year he was released.
He then started to do all kinds of jobs, mostly as mercenary, in Cyrodiil but he also traveled alot as he didn't hear anything from his family anymore.

IC: "Ooh my..." Natus cried out "Punch me awake." He said as he was uterly shocked.
Suddenly he fell a fist hitting his jaw, Natus quickly looked at Florig and cried out: "What was that for?!"
"Don't look at me." He said while pointing to an Argonian who stood behind them.
Natus tri'ed to draw his sword but Florig stopped him "No fighting, those 'undeadies' might see us."
"Undeadies?" The Argonian asked while grinning, he clearly had enjoyed giving the punch.
"Yes it's a nice name but who are you?!" Shouted Florig.
"You people can call me Crippo, I'm a mercenary and I need some money and cleary you people are having some problems involving this erm....'undeadies' so why not help out my fellow man eventhough they're Imperial pigs?"
Natus sighed, "How you call us?"
"You heard me." The Argonian chuckled shorty and then continued his grinning.
"Why you little.." Again Natus was stopped by Florig who said: "Natus one more time and you'll get punched by me!! Anyway yes we could use you, seeing our last lizard friend was left behind and yes all we'll pay."
Crippo nodded hapily.
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Joey Bel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

ooc: confused whered maud go?

ic: having secured the emperor with his blades ragnokk decides to find geadros as the emperor says geadros has a ring or a scroll or something that is important. ragnokk has no idea what he is on a bout but it is the emperors wishes so he begins the hunt...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:08 am

As Geadros comes to an Orc Agent picks him up, and gives him some bread,
"Here you go Captain!" said the orc, "How do you know me?" he said, i was the one that fled Solthstiem, with my troops, were all orcs but you and the General!" he asnwered, "Oh, where am i?" you are in the Bruma Jail." said the General.
"How did i get Here?" said Geadros, "Some legions picked you up and put you in the jail with us!" said Orc#2,
"And we are all in here because you stole a scrolls and the Guard assumed we helped you in the act!" said the General.

As Geadros looks outside he sees a huge Airship and knows its Dwemer, as he trys to think of a way out he thinks of something,
he sees a dog, "Doggy!" he said and whistles, the dog comes, "Pass me that ale bottle!" he said and the dog fetches the bottle.
"HELP!" Geadros Yells, "Help!" he yells again and the guard comes, he opens the gate, "Whats goi..." he was cut off and the orc knocks his helmet off and Geadros smashes the bottle on his head,
"Thats how you take out a guard!" said another Orc, "Lets Go!" said the General, Geadros puts on a dark tattered robe and walks out leaving his fellow troops behind.

As he leaves to the castle he notices a Dwemer Shortsword and he picks it up,
"what the hell is this?" he said and he looks on the hilt and sees the same Bosmer ring that he threw away a long time ago,
"BY the NINE, this ring has been following me!" as he looks on the ground he can't drop the sword and puts the sword and his right side next to his Steel sword.

As he rides out of the city he sees Florig and tow other men running towards the forest near the mountains and sets up camp, he follows them, and wait beneath a rock, till night, as Florig and the two men set up camp and eat they go to bed.
Geadros creeps into the small camp weilding a small iron dagger and three scrolls, as the Argonain senses his scent he wakes up and wake his friend up, as Geadros walks inside Florigs tent he pulls out a Parylzation scrolls and starts rectiting the words and lays a spell on Florig for one mintute, he sees the ring and is going to cut it off and kill florig.

"There is someone here!" says the Argonian and wakes Natus, Natus creeps outside and into the tent, Florig wakes up and sees Geadros standing over him,
"by the nine i thought you were dead!" he said with anger, "Me too, but now im going to end you life as you..." he was cut off as Natus bottles him again, "dammit Natus, where do you keep getting those?" said Florig, "i got to bags full of them back in the tent!" he said,
"how is he alive?" he said, "i don't know?" said Natus, "but i thought we killed him!" said Florig, "lets drag him into your tent and tie him up till he comes to!" said the Argonian, "Right!" said Florig, and they drag geadros into Natus' tent.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 pm

OOC: won't be on for the weekend, i love making bottle jokes LOL!
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