"By the gods...." Natus whispered.
Florig stood up and looked down into the darkness, "We move." The group ran through the darkness, lit only by Mauds fork, they heard noise all around them, following. The hisses and footsteps grew louder and plentiful, at least two dozen were probably behind the companions, waiting to get their hands on their flesh and blood.
"Light! I see light!" Florig yelled, the group quickening their pace till they reached a large door, the tree symbol glowing a perfect blue.
"PUSH!" Natus yelled in anger, the door slowly moving inward. Finally the door slid open, crashing against the dirt on the otherside.
The three companions hit the dirt as fire arrows zoomed over their heads, hitting the vampires behind, allowing the survivors to flee back to the darkness.
"Help them up!"
The three companions found themselves being helped up by mysterious, cloaked men. They were of the man species, not mer nor beast. Florig pushed one back and snatched his silver longsword back, forcing Maud and Natus away from him, looking at Florig who had swords and bows pointed towards him.
"Take the other two away...I'll deal with this barbaric fool." Said the leader of the group. Florig saw his companions taken away to a large feast hall, leaving him in the hall.
"Who are you?" Florig asked, keeping his sword in front of him.
The man took ordered his troops to lower their weapon, he pulled off his hood and brushed his long black hair from his eyes, "We are Colovian Rangers, we serve the Emporer and protect Cryodiil from anyone who dare harm this great province. I presume you are wandering why we are this far south? Well you'll find we know a great many things....You've lost something, is that right? You wish to speak to the great priests in the Imperial City?"
Florig sheathed his blade, "You know much...Yes, all you mentioned is true. We mean no harm to Cryodiil or the Emporer, we wish to rest and we'll be on our way." Florig moved forward but was blocked as spears sprung to his chest.
"You can't leave, the Redoran and Imperial Soldiers won't be as kindly as us, you'd be killed where you stand." Said the Ranger, "You'll stay here, they will leave sometime, then we will escort you to the Imperial City." The Ranger held out his hand, which Florig shook. They nodded and Florig was led to the feast hall with his companions.