Also, I can't get some award dog tags to unlock after I complete the requirement. Sometimes things that are unlocked are highlighted in yellow appearing to have just been unlocked.... and by sometimes I mean constantly after every match. This game is impossible to complete 100%. You should be ashamed. I'm willing to cut my losses and move on to Crysis AFTER I get my Dedication achievement. I mean after the mess Crysis 2 is it'd be pretty hard to get any worse without going back to the NES days and picking something unplayable.
Remember when the beta came out and no one who used their Xbox with wi-fi could play it because it locked up at the loading screen? You've always been a disappointment, Crytek.
**KEYWORDS FOR GOOGLE SEARCH** (so others seeking answers can find these posts)
Crytek, Crap, Glitch, Grain, Bug, Garbage, Scam, Ripoff, Disgruntled, Dedication, Nanosuit, Consoles, Xbox, PS3, Buggy, Bad, Fix, Demand, CryEngine 3, Germany, UK, No Support, Patch, Homefront, Crysis, Timesplitters