Post » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:04 pm

When are you going to fix this bug so I can have my achievement and move on, Crytek? When? When are you going to give me solid answers? We are now one day away from when I kick off my Twitter campaign with (hopefully) 5 tweets per day reminding you of this issue. Actually, we'll probably begin this on Monday instead of Saturday since probably no one responds to tweets on the weekends.

I want this bug fixed. I don't care if you have to give the achievement to anyone who boots the damn game up. I want it. I WANT IT BAD. And I will get it. I paid for a game with 1000GS and I damn well better get one. Also, I think I'll complain to Microsoft about this issue.

Fix it.

**KEYWORDS FOR GOOGLE SEARCH** (so others seeking answers can find these posts)
Crytek, Crap, Glitch, Grain, Bug, Garbage, Scam, Ripoff, Disgruntled, Dedication, Nanosuit, Consoles, Xbox, PS3, Buggy, Bad, Fix, Demand, CryEngine 3, Germany, UK, No Support, Patch, Homefront, Crysis, Timesplitters
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evelina c
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