I wasn't saying Argonians were humanoid Pangolins, you said that they have scales so they are reptiles so I disproved it.
And reptile-like does not equal reptile, just because they have some features of reptiles does not mean they are constrained to all of them.
1. Argonians have scales. 2. Argonians in many instances have had tails and reptilian jaw, lip, eye, appendages (spines), and leg structure. 3. They are a depiction of mythical lizard folk quite common in the fantasy genre. 4. Todd himself refers to them as
lizards. 5. Lizards are reptiles. 6. Argonians are humanoid reptiles.
And if you want to get nitpicky, cats are mammals so Khajitts are mammals, and by your extreme logic they are therefore humans :whistling:
Yes cats are mammals and so are humans in terms of scientific classification. And yes Khajits are humanoid but not human. Human in the context of species classification is attributed to us (us not being able to be explained without touching on taboo topics of evolution and theology).
If you're confused you can find definitions of the terms
human and
humanoid in a dictionary, you may even find simplified information in an encyclopedia.
Lets agree to disagree because your inability to grasp these concepts or discuss them in a constructive way is beginning to bore me.