for some time I've been working on this puzzle called "Mangarovo". It's got something to do with The Elder Scrolls, but I haven't played that (sorry :whistling: ) and my friend who has cannot help me. There is a picture from a book in the riddle:
and I've translated it carefully (and after that I found out that you can find :dead: ). But it didn't help me. Under the picture there's a text that I can't translate. I thought maybe anyone here has an idea what it could mean? I mean, it probably has something to do with the games but I have no idea what and how! The solution should be some numbers / coordinates in the end, but maybe indirectly... The translation can be English or German. Anyone here who could help me? :dance:
This is the text:
Kreol mas newi amiendia,
konkretus loctes arbuntus nahes nihi. Debros omalfi credo, setendra abris in eterna . Quad aret probito. Senc firin nahes nic nihi wolfo
crestan robus giantes. Nargon ad loce pedi et radifice preb sac. Tengolfo in grottes lumes massivo.
Frugur dumpes diestam alenas prokferi. Endo gitrans mandibiles prosectus. Degen grolfo brestante hedin. Noctu turn falkus garlifarant. Zodiak awantes dresso nivili. Ergo Sitam tankras prosec. Nic vulges colisi breltun. Fruga sumplun flestante begname angiflores. Volte sipran frelti gerrante. Ergo timo mantra massiva.
...anexus proverb nihil eternam devinette.
konkretus loctes arbuntus nahes nihi. Debros omalfi credo, setendra abris in eterna . Quad aret probito. Senc firin nahes nic nihi wolfo

Frugur dumpes diestam alenas prokferi. Endo gitrans mandibiles prosectus. Degen grolfo brestante hedin. Noctu turn falkus garlifarant. Zodiak awantes dresso nivili. Ergo Sitam tankras prosec. Nic vulges colisi breltun. Fruga sumplun flestante begname angiflores. Volte sipran frelti gerrante. Ergo timo mantra massiva.
...anexus proverb nihil eternam devinette.